Iran Resistance welcomes halt in EU-3 talks with mullahs

A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said today in Paris that the European Union’s big-3 had suspended negotiations with the theocracy ruling Iran following the clerical regime’s violation of the Paris Agreement.

"There will, in fact, be no negotiations meeting on August 31 since the Iranians have decided to suspend application of the Paris Agreement. So by common accord between the three Europeans it is clear that there will be no negotiations meeting … as long as the Iranians remain outside the Paris Agreement," Jean-Baptiste Mattei told reporters.

Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, welcomed the stance taken by France’s Foreign Ministry and the EU-troika. He said, "As the Iranian Resistance had emphasized previously, the mullahs’ participation in these talks was never an attempt at transparency regarding its secret nuclear programs. As senior regime officials, including former chief nuclear negotiator Hassan Rowhani and his colleague Hossein Moussavian had underscored, the main objective was to buy time in order to complete the deficiencies in different aspects of the nuclear projects and secure greater political and security concessions from the European side."

Mohaddessin added, "Suspending talks with Tehran is indeed necessary, but by no means sufficient to thwart Tehran’s ominous nuclear projects." Stressing the need for the immediate and unconditional referral of the mullahs’ nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council, he said, "The EU-3 must set aside all their commitments during the two-year talks with Tehran. The very first was to keep in place the terror tag against the Iranian Resistance’s pivotal force, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, which had been blacklisted as part of the Paris Agreement in the first place."

NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman condemned the stage-managed theatrics by Revolutionary Guards and the paramilitary Bassijis outside French, German and British embassies in Tehran today as another act of intimidation and blackmail. He said these ridiculous efforts manifested before anything else the reality that the clerical regime has found outlaw behavior, obtaining nuclear weapons and exporting terrorism as the only means of survival.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 23, 2005

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