Iran-Iraq: Threats and blackmail by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

NCRI – Yesterday, the mullahs’ president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while speaking at a Bassij Conference ridiculously addressed U.S. officials and said, "The Iranian nation is prepared to help you to put an end to the present situation (in Iraq). However, such assistance will be rendered on the condition that you stop bullying and revise your approach. Take your forces back to your own country."

He threatened, “This is a divine public call. Pursue the path of the prophets, worship God Almighty and seek justice. If you fail to respond to this invitation, the sense of justice of the world nations will soon topple you and force you to give up your reins of power.”

Such threats by Ahmadinejad come at a time when the mullahs’ regime is trying with full force to install a religious dictatorship in Iraq. The regime has committed heinous crimes against the Iraqi people. The absolute majority of the people in Iraq are against the Iranian regime’s meddling in their country. In June 2006, some 5.2 million Iraqis signed a petition calling for an end to the regime’s meddling in their country.

As the Iranian Resistance has pointed out time and again, the only way to overcome the growing crisis in the region – from Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine – is to evict the mullahs and their mercenaries which want to establish an Islamic Empire in the Middle East.   
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 27, 2006

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