Iran: 30000 Iranians in Paris declare support for democratic change in Iran with Maryam Rajavi

30000 Iranians gather in Le Bourget Exhibition Hall in Paris to declare support for democratic change in Iran with Maryam Rajavi

This afternoon, in the largest gathering by Iranians outside of Iran, 30000 Iranians assembled in the Bourget Exhibition Hall in Paris to declare their opposition to the mullahs’ regime obtaining nuclear weapons and a military invasion of Iran. They also declared their opposition to the West continuing its policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the mullahs and at the same time announced their support for democratic change with Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.

Iranians residing in France as well as representatives from Iranian communities in various European and North American countries took part in the event and declared with one voice, “No to war, no to appeasement, yes to democratic change with Maryam Rajavi.”

30000 Iranians gather in Le Bourget Exhibition Hall in Paris to declare support for democratic change in Iran with Maryam Rajavi

Rajavi: With its widespread popular base, the organized Resistance is capable to put into current the great potential for change

This afternoon, in the largest gathering by Iranians outside of Iran, 30000 Iranians assembled in the Bourget Exhibition Hall in Paris to declare their opposition to the mullahs’ regime obtaining nuclear weapons and a military invasion of Iran. They also declared their opposition to the West continuing its policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the mullahs and at the same time announced their support for democratic change with Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.

Iranians residing in France as well as representatives from Iranian communities in various European and North American countries took part in the event and declared with one voice, “No to war, no to appeasement, yes to democratic change with Maryam Rajavi.”

In an address to the gathering, Mrs. Rajavi said, “Western leaders imagined that, by granting concessions to the mullahs and sacrificing human rights and the Iranian people’s just Resistance, they could safeguard Western interests. Shortly thereafter, however, it became evident that this policy had set the stage for a disaster, leading to the ascension of Ahmadinejad and the project to build nuclear weapons. It put the world up against the danger of a war. Today, there is only one way to thwart this threat. The West must reverse course and respect the will of the Iranian people to establish democracy.”

In her address which lasted for 90 minutes and was repeatedly interrupted by cheers by participants, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance said, “Owing to its legitimate ideals, its organization and its popularity among its fellow countrymen and women, this Resistance is the only force that can mobilize the enormous potential of the oppressed women in our country. We have said time and again that we will accept free elections under the auspices of the United Nations.”

She emphasized, “Today, we are not asking you for anything, neither money, nor weapons. But we demand that you remain neutral in the struggle the Iranian nation is waging to attain freedom and democracy. We are demanding that you remove the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the terrorist list and recognize the right of the Iranian people to resist dictatorship.”

Referring to the recent negotiations and incentives offered to the regime by the permanent members of the UN Security Council, Mrs. Rajavi said, “Nevertheless, if you can compel this barbaric regime to retreat from suppression, terrorism and nuclear weapons through negotiations, we would welcome that. You can again try your chances in this test which you have already failed dozens of times. But you have no right to sacrifice the rights and the liberties of the Iranian nation at the altar of negotiations.”

At this historic gathering, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance announced a 14-point program for the future of Iran. She said, “We seek a pluralistic republic based on the principle of separation of church and state in which all individual, political and social freedoms and equality for men and women will be guaranteed. We will defend the abolition of the death penalty.
We demand peace, mutual respect in international relations, good neighborliness and the establishment of diplomatic relations with all countries of the world. The Iran of tomorrow will be a non-nuclear country and devoid of weapons of mass destruction.”

Some of the most prominent European personalities addressed the gathering and declared their support for Mrs. Rajavi’s “third option”. Former French Prime Minister Mrs. Edith Cresson, mayors from a number of French cities, several French parliamentarians, former Algerian Prime Minister Sid Ahmad Ghozali, former judge at the European Court of Justice Rt. Hon. Lord Slynn of Hadley, former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Lord Russell-Johnston, and parliamentary delegations from Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, The European Parliament, Canada, Australia were among the speakers.

Several members of the United States House of Representatives sent messages of solidarity to the great gathering of Iranians and announced that democratic change in Iran was the only solution to prevent the mullahs from obtaining nuclear weapons or a foreign war.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 1, 2006

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