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European Court of First Instance annuls decision to include PMOI in terror list

Mrs. Mayam Rajavi: The verdict by the European Court of Justice is a testament of the Iranian Resistance’s legitimacy and it is the victory of justice over economic interests. Restrictions resulting from the terrorist label must be annulled and damages must be reimbursed
The court annulled “Council’s common decision” and ordered the Council to pay four fifth of expenses incurred by PMOI

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi congratulated the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), the Iranian people, and all those devoted to justice throughout the world over the verdict by European Court of Justice annulling “the Council’s common decision” to include the PMOI in the list of terrorist organizations as a proof of the Resistance’s legitimacy over the religious fascism in Iran; and victory of justice over economic interests. 

She praised all the members of parliaments, jurists, and all those who for years had tried to remove the unjust terror tag and said, “Today, one of the highest judicial authorities in Europe confirmed the Iranian Resistance’s claim that the terrorist label from the beginning was a political issue which was meant to appease the mullahs. Therefore, all restrictions resulting from the terror tag must be removed from the Iranian Resistance immediately and unfair treatments which culminate from it should stop at once. The EU must reimburse the heavy damages inflicted on the PMOI and the Iranian people.
The court annulled the “Council’s common decision” against the PMOI and ordered the Council to pay four fifth of the court expenses incurred by the PMOI.
“The evil and shameful raid of June 17, 2003 by the French police on the offices of the NCRI and the homes of Iranian refugees was part of a dirty deal with the inhuman dictatorship ruling Iran. It was carried out under the pretext of terror tag on the PMOI.  After today’s verdict, the June 17 dossiers should be closed and heavy financial, political and ethical burdens inflicted on the Iranian resistance must be reimbursed.”
Mrs. Rajavi added, “Following the verdict, there are cannot be any acceptable excuses to delay the reaffirmation of political refugee status of the PMOI members living in Camp Ashraf who had enjoyed this right for past 20 years.”
She reminded the fact that the terrorist label had been one of the main ingredients of the appeasement policy vis-à-vis the mullahs’ regime and the major obstacle to a change in Iran. Mrs. Rajavi reiterated, “The western countries should indefinitely put aside the appeasement policy towards the regime in all aspects and by adopting a firm policy preventing it from obtaining a nuclear bomb as well as stopping the regime from meddling in Iraq and fundamentalist interference in the region.”
The President-elect added, “Unfortunately, calling the regime to participate in solving Iraq’s problem is a new illusion which will get nowhere and it only paves the way for the bloodthirsty mullahs to dominate Iraq and  to impede the peace in the region; as four years of negotiations with the mullahs’ regime only brought them closer to a nuclear bomb. The Iranian regime is the main part of Iraq’s problem and not a solution. Hence, the only way is to completely evict the mullahs’ regime from Iraq. As long as the mullahs are in power in Iran, neither Iraq nor the region will witness peace and tranquility.”
 While rejecting any military intervention in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi said, “A firm policy with respect to Iran should both call for imposition of comprehensive sanctions against the regime and support a democratic change by the Iranian people and their Resistance.”     
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 12, 2006