Earthquake an Excuse for Further Looting by Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)


According the state media, on November 21, 2017, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance of Rouhani has provided 565 billion and 400 million tomans (about 139 million dollars) to help earthquake victims. More than 53 percent of this amount, i.e. 300 billion tomans, has immediately been given to the IRGC, and the remaining 47 percent was divided among the specific treasury of the Kermanshah and Ilam provinces, the army, the Ministry of Health, the Red Crescent Society, the State Emergency Department, and the Emergency Department of Tehran and other Government organs.

The same news agencies announced that Rouhani’s government paid 1040 billion and 800 million tomans (about $ 257 million) to “Housing Foundation of the Islamic Revolution” affiliated to the Khamenei’s office.

On the other hand, according to reports from the websites affiliated to the IRGC, the Housing Foundation in a “Memorandum of Understanding”, the text of which has been published, has assigned the reconstruction of the earthquake-stricken areas to the IRGC’s Khatam-al-Anbia headquarters. As a result, Rouhani’s government has provided 1340 billion tomans to the Revolutionary Guards.

The earthquake disaster once again proves the fact that Khamenei, Rouhani, the IRGC, and all factions and groups of this regime are the greatest thieves in Iran’s history and are complicit in plundering of the Iranian people’s property.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Biranvandi, a member of the parliament, acknowledged on November 20 the distrust of the mullahs’ regime by the people, and addressed Rouhani by saying, “Do you know that some people are trying to give their help to earthquake-stricken people personally? All these issues indicate that the distrust earthquake will be more devastating than the recent earthquake, and that people no longer trust the state-built buildings. “

The state run TV network said in a report on November 19 that approximately 20 million people of Iran’s population, that is 20 million from 80 million people, live in the old neighborhoods of the cities or in the suburbs where … they suffer the highest damages during earthquakes … . ” In such a situation, Sadegh Larijani, the head of the regime’s judiciary, said on November 19, “Such natural affairs and natural disasters cannot be overcome.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 23, 2017

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