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HomeStatementsStatements: InternationalAll Trapped Coal Miners Have Lost Their Lives, Says Iran's Labor Minister

All Trapped Coal Miners Have Lost Their Lives, Says Iran’s Labor Minister


The Labor Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran expressed its deepest condolences to the families and people of Golestan Province in northern Iran after dozens of hardworking miners lost their lives following the collapse of a coal mine. The NCRI Labor Commission also called on all people, and especially the youth, to gather in solidarity with the families of the victims and those wounded.

Before noon on Wednesday, May 3rd a coal mine explosion in Golestan Province lead to a tunnel collapsing upon dozens of miners.

Iranian Labor Minister Ali Rabie admitted all miners trapped under the rubble had lost their lives, yet going only as far as announcing 35 deaths. Whereas prior to his remarks other regime officials had declared 90 miners losing their lives. Only a few hours after the explosion regime officials attempted to provide different number of those killed and left under the rubble, all in order to cloak the scope of the horrific incident. However, medical aids and the minors who managed to survive had no hope for those left under the rubble.

The Yourt Zemestane mine, with around 500 miners, is located 90 kilometers from the town of Azadshahr.

“This mine has horizontal tunnels and the explosion took place at the end of a tunnel with a length of 1,000 meters, and the blocking point is located around 1,000 meters from the mine opening,” said Iranian Deputy Industry Ministry Jafar Sargheini.

“Financial problems resulted in the lack of safety precautions in the coal mine. The workers are even constantly negotiating for their own demands,” said Ramezan Bahrami, head of the regime’s Mining & Industry House in Golestan Province, in an interview with Tasnim news agency, affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force.

Despite the fact that miners had sensed gas in the mine the day before and informed regime’s officials in this regard, yet to no avail, according to the few miners who survived. This mine lacked any gas detection device, ventilation system or safety measures. The tunnel was a one-way opening and in the event of an explosion all living creatures would be killed.

The miners were forced to continue working in intolerable conditions despite not receiving their wages for the past 18 months and lacking any insurance.

The NCRI Labor Commission emphasizes as long as this religious despotism is ruling Iran and plundering the people’s wealth to fund its exporting extremism in the region, weapons of mass destruction and domestic crackdown, or pouring such wealth into senior regime officials’ bank accounts, Iran’s workers will face nothing but being buried alive and suffering a slow death under this corrupt and repressive regime. The response they receive to their demands and strikes is nothing but imprisonment, lashing and being expelled from work. The only solution is to unite and declare solidarity amongst people from all walks of life to uproot the mullahs’ regime and establish freedom and a democratic rule in Iran.

Labor Commission
National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 3, 2017