Iran: Criminal execution of Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani

Behrouz Alkhani

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance offers its condolences to the family and friends of Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani and to the Kurdish people for his criminal execution and calls on all compatriots, especially the youth throughout the country, to rise up against these cruel executions, especially the execution of political prisoners, and to support the families of those executed and the families of the political prisoners.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community, especially the European Union, the United States, the United Nations, and human rights organizations to condemn the execution of Mr. Alkhani. It reiterates that silence in the face of the rising number of executions in Iran along with visits by high-ranking European officials to this country for whatever reason have no meaning but collaboration with the ruling religious fascism and encourage it to continue and intensify its crimes.

Mr. Behrouz Alkhani, 30, from the city of Salmas was arrested on January 27, 2010. He was imprisoned and tortured for six years and was executed in the early hours of August 26 on the charge of “taking part in the assassination of the criminal prosecutor of Khoy” along with five other prisoners. He was suffering from heart ailment due to the severity of his tortures and the dire prison conditions.

These tyrannical executions and the blood of the martyrs of freedom will only deepen the resolve of the Iranian people, especially the youth, in the struggle against the religious fascism and will hasten its overthrow.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 26, 2015

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