IRAN: At least 32 prisoners executed in past few weeks


NCRI – The machinery of execution and torture in clerical regime is running non-stop and claims victims from people of different cities. In addition to the brutal execution of Sirvan Najavi, the Kurdish political prisoner who was hanged on August 9 by the regime’s henchmen in Tabriz, the streets and lanes and various prisons in the country were the scene of the hanging of prisoners.

On August 9 two young men, 24 and 25 years old, were executed in Hafez Circle in the city of Mashhad. On August 3, a prisoner was executed in public in Eghlid in Fars province.

On August 10 a female prisoner named Fatemeh Haddadi, 39, mother of an 8 year old girl, was hanged in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. Earlier, Paridokht Mowlaee, 43, mother of a child, had been hanged on July 29 in Ghezel Hesar Prison after having been transferred from the consultation hall of Varamin’s Gharechak Prison.

Execution of three prisoners, on August 12 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, execution of a Kurdish 20-year-old prisoner in the central prison of Sanandaj and the hanging of a 27-year-old prisoner, Hossein Bozorgnejad, in the central prison of Esfahan on August 4, the hanging of seven prisoners in prisons of Rafsanjan and Yazd August 4, the execution of Mansour Yousefi, a Kurd prisoner on August 3 in Orumiyeh prison, and the execution of three prisoners at the central prison in Rasht on August 1, and mass execution of 10 prisoners on July 28 in the central prison of Qom, are among the crimes that have been published in recent days passing through the wall of repression and censorship of the regime.

In the meantime the cruel punishment of amputation of hand and foot of two prisoners in the central prison of Mashhad was carried out. (State media, August 3).

Amnesty International, referring to the shocking statistics of 700 executions in the first six months of the year, in a statement on July 23 said: “Iran’s staggering execution toll for the first half of this year paints a sinister picture of the machinery of the state carrying out premeditated, judicially-sanctioned killings on a mass scale.”

Religious fascism ruling Iran that the Iranian people call “The Godfather of ISIS”, in the face of rising public discontent and hatred, continually increases the dimensions of execution and torture and suppression.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 14, 2015

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