Iran: Regime intensifies pressure on political prisoners in holy month of Ramadan


NCRI – The Iranian regime has installed new communication jamming devices in Hall 12 of Ward 4 of Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison in Karaj to up the torture and pressure on the political prisoners.
This jamming device which that are said to be cancerous has placed the health of these prisoners at dire risk. These prisoners are constantly experiencing symptoms of dryness of mucus, muscle pains, severe headaches, blurry vision, vomiting and numbness.

These suppressive measures in the recent days have proved very destructive especially on the prisoners who are fasting.

Abed Fattah, member of parliamentary committee on Health and Treatment, acknowledged a while back that these are “cancerous” said: “I believe nowhere in the world jamming signal generating devices are used as much as in Iran” (State media – 24 December 2014).

Said Motesaddi, Deputy to the Environmental Protection Organization, also confirmed the destructive effects of the devices, including that they are “cancerous” (IRNA state news agency – 2 October 2014).

The Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights bodies to strongly condemn the repressive and criminal measures of the mullahs’ regime against prisoners and in particular against the political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 26, 2015

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