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Iranian Resistance calls to save lives of 31 prisoners on verge of execution


NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls for saving the lives of 31 prisoners on the death row in the Ghezel Hesar Prison who have been transferred to an undisclosed location.

It also hails over 500 prisoners who have staged a strike in Ward 2 of Ghezel Hesar Prison and urges all international human rights bodies and organs to adopt urgent measures to investigate the demands of the striking prisoners and to stop the death sentences, especially the group hangings.

Since December 2, the prisoners in Hall 3 of Ward 2 of Ghezel Hesar have staged a hunger strike to protest the group and consecutive hangings in this prison in order to stop this barbaric punishment. These prisoners have resisted the suppressive and deceptive measures by the regime to break their strike and have continued with their hunger strike for eight days now.

Prison’s head warden has threatened the striking prisoners that if they continue with their protest he would execute two-hundred of them.

As such, on Sunday, December 7, henchmen took 31 prisoners on the death row out of this ward and transferred them to an undisclosed location. A number of those transferred to be hanged are the prisoners that regime’s officers consider them as the main elements in the protests and the hunger strike in Ghezel Hesar Prison. During this transfer, one of the prisoners resisted his transfer and in protest to this transfer for carrying out his death sentence shouted “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Larijani”. Finally, he tried to injure himself in order to stop his transfer. It is stated that due to extent of his injuries, this prisoner is about to die, but prison officials refuse to allow any information on this prisoner from getting out.

The increase in the wave of executions in various prisons and cities of the country, including the hanging of at least 51 prisoners just in the time span of November 24 to December 3 demonstrates the fear of the religious fascism from the spread of protests by the Iranian people who are under great pressure and is aimed at heightening the atmosphere of terror in the society. Regime’s officials admit that “security… is the foremost worry for the judicial, security and law enforcement systems and they have implemented and shall continue to live up to this responsibility.”

International community’s turning of a blind eye to the tragic situation of human rights in Iran has given a free hand to the leaders of the Velayat-e faqih regime, famous among the people as the “Godfather of ISIS”, to resort to any kind of barbarism, including the splashing of acid and knife attacks against the innocent women and the wave of group hangings in prisons and various cities throughout the country.

Any rapprochement with this anti-human regime should be contingent on the respect for human rights, including the suspension of the anti-human punishment of hanging.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 8, 2014