Iran human rights: Call to save critically ill political prisoners



NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls on international bodies and human rights organizations – especially the Working Group on arbitrary detention and the Special Rapporteur on torture – for urgent and effective action to save the lives of a number of political prisoners, supporters of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/ MEK) and family of members of PMOI members in Camp Liberty, who are in dire need of medical help.

Mr Mashallah (Hamid) Haeri, 63, a political prisoner and supporter of the PMOI (MEK), has fallen into a coma in hospital due to the abuses of the Iranian regime’s henchmen.

On May 14, after bleeding from his ear and nose, Mr Haeri was transferred to a hospital outside the prison. Despite his critical condition, his Iranian torturers transferred him handcuffed and with his feet in chains, worsening his bleeding and sending him into a coma.

Mr. Haeri, a political prisoner of the 1980s, was arrested in December 2009 for the sole reason he had relatives in Camp Ashraf, and was given a 15-year prison sentence. The medieval abuses he suffered brought on acute heart and respiratory diseases and lead to several heart attacks, which were never given proper medical care.

Political prisoner Ms Motahhareh (Simin) Bahrami, 60, jailed in women’s ward in Evin Prison, is about to become paralyzed because she is being deprived of medical treatment. The torture and squalid prison conditions she suffered in the 1980s also caused severe spinal disc prolapse, severe leg pains and gallbladder problems that needed surgery. She, her husband, son, daughter-in-law, and another relatives were all arrested during the 2009 uprising.

Mohsen and Ahmad Daneshpour Moghaddam, the husband and son of Ms Bahrami, have now been condemned to death on the mullahs-fabricated charge of Moharebeh. They are both in Ward 350 of Evin Prison in a critical condition.

Mohsen Daneshpour, 73, a political prisoner of the 1980s, suffers from acute heart and digestive system problems and is unable to manage his personal affairs. Ahmad Daneshpour, 42, has lost 40 kilograms of weight due to the bleeding of the colon due to tortures, deprivation of medical care, and lack of proper food.

Mr. Ali Moezzi, 65, a political prisoner and supporter of the PMOI, is also in a dire condition in Ghezel Hessar Prison. He suffers from cancer and went on hunger strike in protest at the brutal raid of April 17 raid by regime agents on Evin’s Ward 350. This lead to his transfer to solitary confinement at Ghezel Hessar Prison, and has worsened his already critical medical condition.

Mr. Ali Moezzi is among the political prisoners of the 1980s who was arrested in 2008 for visiting his two children in Camp Ashraf, both of whom are PMOI members. In March 2011, he was arrested for the third time for participating in the memorial ceremony of political prisoner Mohsen Dogmechi, a PMOI member who was tortured to death by the regime’s henchmen.

Mr. Moezzi suffers from multiple ailments due to tortures and deplorable prison conditions, including cancer, renal malfunction, and severe arthritis of the neck. Despite his condition , the
regime’s henchmen have continued to deprive him of medical treatment. He has also refused to appear in the mullahs’ court, leading to even more charges against him by the regime’s intelligence agents.

Mr Saleh Kohandel, a political prisoner and supporter of the PMOI (MEK), is in Hall 12 of Ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison, and is suffering from suspected leukemia and severe thrombocytemia after staging a hunger strike in support of the political prisoners of Evin’s Ward 350. Propagation of noise signals in this ward in Gohardasht Prison has exacerbated the condition of prisoners there, including Mr Kohandel.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 18, 2014

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