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HomeIran News NowCourt Hears Appeal in the Case of Three Convicted Accomplices of Assadollah...

Court Hears Appeal in the Case of Three Convicted Accomplices of Assadollah Assadi, Iran Regime’s Terrorist Diplomat

The news conference of lawyers and representatives of Iranian resistance outside of court

NCRI logo

Assadi was sentenced to 20 years in prison

after the regime withdrew its appeal

  • Raisi’s cabinet foretells the escalation of terrorism. His Interior Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, is the first commander of the Quds Force. His Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, is affiliated with the Quds Force and was a protégé of Qassem Soleimani.
  • To dismantle the regime terrorism, the MOIS and the IRGC must be designated as terrorists in their entirety, their agents and operatives be prosecuted and punished, their asylum and citizenship revoked, and they must be deported.

On Wednesday and Thursday, November 17 and 18, 2021, the Court of Appeal of Antwerp, Belgium, will consider the appeal by three agents of the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry (MOIS), who colluded with Assadollah Assadi, the Iranian regime’s diplomat terrorist.

After 2.5 years of investigation and judicial proceedings, in February this year, a court in Antwerp sentenced Assadollah Assadi to 20 years in prison and three of his accomplices to between 15 to 18 years in addition to revoking their Belgian citizenship for plotting to bomb the Iranian Resistance’s rally in Villepinte, near Paris in July 2018.

Fearing a major defeat, the clerical regime, withdrew its appeal against Assadi’s conviction and the Antwerp court decision of 20 year-sentence was confirmed.

Assadi’s three accomplices are part of the clerical regime’s terrorist and espionage network in Europe, who, by abusing their right to asylum or citizenship in European countries, endanger the security of Iranian refugees and dissidents. As the Antwerp court ruling showed, the MOIS disguised some of its operatives, such as Mehrdad Arefani, as sleeper cells under the guise of writers, poets, and human rights activists.

The German police and authorities have seized the names and details of some of these mercenaries in the Assadi’s belongings, especially his green notebook. The Iranian Resistance has been demanding the publication of the names of all those operatives.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), was the main target of the bomb plot, which could have become the deadliest terrorist incident in Europe. The court ruling to which the regime consented showed that the plot was decided and planned by the Iranian regime and that the bomb had been made in Iran and transported to Europe by Assadi. This exposed the terrorist activities of the regime’s Foreign Ministry, embassies, and other diplomatic entities.

In 2019, in her 7-hour testimony to the court, Mrs. Rajavi said that the decision to bomb Villepinte was made by the regime Supreme Security Council with the participation of (former Foreign Minister) Javad Zarif, headed by Hassan Rouhani (former president), and approved by Khamenei. Implementing this decision was assigned to the MOIS to be conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rouhani acknowledged on April 28, 2021: “All the complex issues of foreign policy and the field of defense are discussed in the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), whether when we want to [carry out] a defensive operation and whether when we have to carry out an offensive operation somewhere or whether when we want to undertake important political task … They will definitely be discussed in the SNSC. Military commanders and political officials are there… and finally, the Supreme Leader must approve our decision.”

On February 24, 2021, the regime’s then Foreign Minister Javad Zarif underscores, “Most of our Foreign Ministry ambassadors have a security structure. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been facing security issues since it began operating. The Foreign Ministry’s agenda has been a political-security agenda since the beginning of the revolution.”

Engulfed in incurable internal and external crises, Khamenei has found the only way out in stepping up suppression, accelerating the atomic bomb project, and carrying out more terrorism. For this reason, he appointed Ebrahim Raisi as president, who was a member of the death committee in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. Raisi’s cabinet foretells the escalation of terrorism. His Interior Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, is the first commander of the Quds Force. His Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, is affiliated with the Quds Force and was a protégé of Qassem Soleimani.

The clerical regime construes the European Union’s silence and inaction vis-à-vis the blatant misuse of diplomatic status and facilities for terrorism and murder of the innocent in the heart of Europe, particularly after the Antwerp court ruling, as a green light to continue and intensify its crimes. It is time for the European Union and the international community to take practical steps to confront the mullah’s terrorism.

To this end, the following steps are necessary:

  • Designating as terrorist entities the entirety of the MOIS and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).
  • Prosecuting and deporting MOIS agents and operatives from European countries and revoking their asylum and citizenship.
  • Referring the Iranian regime’s dossier on terrorism, genocide, and crimes against humanity to the UN Security Council, and the prosecution of Khamenei, Raisi, and other regime leaders.
  • Predicating the continuation and expansion of political and commercial ties with the regime on a halt in executions and export of terrorism by the mullahs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 17, 2021
