In a flagrant snub to UN, US and EU, Maliki denies holding the seven hostages

Madame Ashton:”Hostages are being held in captivity near Baghdad and there is significant risk that they could be sent to Iran”
Call by Mrs. Rajavi: Urgent international action needed to halt extradition of hostages to Iranian regime

The official website of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki on Friday night denied holding the seven Ashraf hostages or having carried out any action on September 1st in Ashraf. Concerning the probe requested by the international community, he claimed that “Khalq Organization” [PMOI] had prevented it!

This is while Ambassador Busztin, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq, counted 52 bodies in Ashraf on September 2 – mostly executed with their hands tied – and expressed his rage and disgust.
It is clear that this great crime against humanity in Ashraf was implemented on orders of al- Maliki by special SWAT forces and the “Dirty Division” at the behest of the Iranian regime. The decision to carry out this great atrocity was made in a meeting on August 27 between Qasem Soleimani, Commander of the terrorist Qods Force, and Maliki; however, Maliki is now attempting to deny everything.

This hideous and scandalous position is aimed at disguising his intention to extradite the hostages to the Iranian regime, obstruct any investigation, and continue the massacres.

UN, US and EU are well informed and know that the seven hostages are on hunger strike in a prison near Baghdad airport. They have been seen by eye-witnesses.

Concerning this matter, yesterday Madame Ashton wrote to the European Parliament vice-President: “We have reason to believe that up to seven camp residents are being held in captivity near Baghdad, and there is a significant risk that they could be sent to Iran.

“I fully share your concerns about the fate of these individuals. I have spoken with Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to urge the authorities to ensure the release of the hostages and to impress on them the need to avoid any further violence when the remaining residents leave Camp Ashraf.

“These messages follow on from the statement I issued last week after the latest attack, in which I condemned the killings and drew attention to the need for a transparent inquiry into the events. Our delegation in Baghdad is currently liaising closely with the authorities on the progress of this investigation. I will continue to follow this matter closely and to insist that the Government of Iraq fulfils its obligations regarding their responsibility to ensure the safety of the Camp Ashraf and Camp Hurriya residents.”

European Union diplomats in Iraq have been busy in past days negotiating with the Iraqi government on the seven hostages. Hostages are under the control of Faleh Fayaz, Maliki’s National Security Advisor.

Previously, the High Commissioner for Refugees declared on September 13: “According to reports reaching UNHCR, seven individuals formerly residing in Camp New Iraq disappeared from the Camp on 1 September, are being held somewhere in Iraq and may be at risk of being returned involuntarily to Iran. These seven are all known by UNHCR to be asylum-seekers, and the agency hopes to have an opportunity to interview them. In light of the numerous and persistent reports over the past week that these individuals may be at risk of forced return to Iran, UNHCR calls upon the Government of Iraq to locate them, to ensure their physical security, and to safeguard them against return to Iran against their will.”

Following Maliki’s hideous denial, Mrs. Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian Resistance, called on President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman, High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Pillay, High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Ms. Beth Jones, and Ambassador Beecroft to resort to immediate action to prevent transgression of the non-refoulement principle and extradition of refugees to the Iranian regime.

Mrs. Rajavi also called on the international community, European governments, European Parliament, and international human rights organizations, especially the Amnesty International and the International Federation for Human Rights for urgent action.

A hunger strike by Camp Liberty residents and their families and the Iranian community in various countries is continuing on its 20th day for the release of hostages.

Mrs. Rajavi especially underlined the responsibility of the US government concerning the non-refoulement principle and the security of the hostages and Camp Liberty residents who are all ‘Protected Persons’ under the Fourth Geneva Convention and refugees and asylum-seekers under international law and the U.S. government has signed an agreement for protection with each and every one of them.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 20, 2013


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