Argentine: Judge Seeks to Arrest Ex-President Over Cover-Up of Iran Regime Role in AMIA Bombing


Welcoming this act, the Iranian Resistance calls on the Argentine Government and the Judiciary as well as the international community to bring before justice all those responsible for AMIA bombing and those who murdered Judge Alberto Nisman

On Thursday, 7 December 2017, a federal judge in Argentina ordered the arrest of the country’s former president Cristina Fernandez, and a number of her aides and allies including her Minister of Foreign Affairs Hector Timerman on charge of “treason” for covering up the role of officials of the Iranian regime in a 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires.

The bombing of Jewish community center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994 resulted in 85 deaths and 300 injuries.

Judge Claudio Bonadio, also requested the Argentine Senate to lift Cristina Fernandez’s immunity. Fernandez obtained immunity from prosecution, trial and punishment by sitting as senator after her presidential term ended.

Prior to this, the investigations led by the Judge Alberto Nisman in 2015 came up with similar conclusion but he was murdered in his flat in Buenos Aires, as he was preparing to present his report to the country’s parliament.

Reports at that time indicated that the Argentine ex-president blocked the investigations in a deal with the clerical regime in Iran in exchange for import of crude oil and profits obtained from the trade deals.

In 1994, the Iranian Resistance published details of the bombing that was carried out by the Iranian regime with involvement of its high-ranking officials.

In 2006, Argentine prosecutor requested Interpol to issue international arrest warrants for a number of then officials of the Iranian regime for their involvement in AMIA bombing.

International arrest warrants were issued for President Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Velayati, Minister of Intelligence Ali Fallahian, IRGC chief commander Mohsen Rezaie, Quds Force Commander Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s ambassador in Argentina Hadi Soleiman-pour, a Quds Force element in Argentina under the pretext of diplomat Ahmad-Reza Asghari, Iran’s cultural attaché in Argentina Mohsen Rabbani and Emad Moghnieh, a Hezbollah commander.

Following the assassination of Judge Nisman, the Judicial Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran called on dignified jurists, lawyers and judges of Argentine not to allow justice to become the victim of deals and collusion with the clerical regime.

The NCRI Judicial Committee state: “Currently, the Argentine people, the history of this country and conscience of all people across the globe that are demanding justice, the Iranian people and Resistance, and most important of all, the spirit of martyr Nisman are waiting the Argentine judiciary next move and where the fate of this dossier will lead to.”

In light of full disclosure of the collusion for which Alberto Nisman lost his life, the Iranian Resistance welcomes the courageous act by Judge Bonadiv and calls on the Argentine Government and dignified judges and lawyers in that country to bring to justice all those engaged in 1994 AMIA bombing and perpetrators of the 2015 murder of Alberto Nisman.

The Argentine judiciary has the support of the Iranian people and the Resistance and all freedom loving people of the world in this bold act.

The Iranian Resistance emphasizes that those who were responsible for the crime against humanity in Amia and hundreds of terrorist operations across the world are the same elements responsible for the execution of some 120,000 political prisoners, including the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, in Iran, therefore, calls on the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to take necessary decisions to remove all obstacles to allow justice to prevail.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 8, 2017

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