Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Iran news in brief, May 9, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 9, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 9, 2018Trump Has Announced That The US Is Leaving The Iran Nuclear DealPresident Donald Trump said Tuesday he would withdraw the United States from the […]

Iran news in brief, May 8, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 8, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 8, 2018 Strikes Continues for 23rd Day in Baneh Despite Repressive MeasuresOn Monday, in spite of hollow promises and repressive measures undertaken by the Iranian […]

Iran news in brief, May 7, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 7, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 7, 2018Iran: Protest in TehranTEHRAN, May, 6. A group of people whose investments in “Afzal-e Toos” government-backed financial institution has been plundered, gathered in protest. […]

Iran news in brief, May 3, 2018

Iran news in brief, May 3, 2018

1- Iranian regime arrests second British-Iranian national since mid-AprilHuman Rights sources reported on Wednesday, Iran has detained a British-Iranian dual national who works as a security analyst, this is the […]

Iran: Security forces use tear gas on protesters demanding their savings

Iran: Security forces use tear gas on protesters demanding their savings

May 1, 2018 – Investors of the Alborz Credit Institute in Karaj, west of Tehran in Iran are rallying outside the “Mellat House” in this city demanding their savings.State security […]

Iran: Supporters of MEK/PMOI actions for Laour Day

Iran: Supporters of MEK/PMOI actions for Laour Day

Activists and supporters of the PMOI/MEK on the occasion of the International Labor Day promoted the ideas and actions of the PMOI by posting Maryam Rajavi’s pictures and slogans throughout […]

Iran: activities of MEK/PMOI supporters, on the occasion of Labour Day

Iran: activities of MEK/PMOI supporters, on the occasion of Labour Day

Activists and supporters of the PMOI/MEK on the occasion of the International Labor Day promoted the ideas and actions of the PMOI by posting Maryam Rajavi’s pictures and slogans throughout […]

Iran: International Labour Day, activities of MEK/PMOI supporters

Iran: International Labour Day, activities of MEK/PMOI supporters

Activists and supporters of the PMOI/MEK on the occasion of the International Labor Day promoted the ideas and actions of the PMOI by posting Maryam Rajavi’s pictures and slogans throughout […]

Iran: MEK/PMOI network’s activities on the eve of international Workers Day

Iran: MEK/PMOI network’s activities on the eve of international Workers Day

Activists and supporters of the PMOI/MEK on the occasion of the International Labor Day promoted the ideas and actions of the PMOI by posting Maryam Rajavi’s pictures and slogans throughout […]

TEHRAN, Iran, May 1, 2018: Workers and people are gathering in Enqelab Sq. on Labour Day occasion

TEHRAN, Iran, May 1, 2018: Workers and people are gathering in...

TEHRAN, Iran, May 1, 2018: Workers and people are gathering in Enqelab Sq. on Labour Day occasion