Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Iran news in brief, June 18, 2019

Iran news in brief, June 18, 2019

Iran news in brief, June 18, 2019Pentagon Releases New Images of Iranian Regime’s Tanker Attacks The U.S. military has released additional photos that it claims bolster allegations that the Iranian […]

KARAJ, Iran. May 9, 2018. Protest gathering of looted depositors of ‘Alborz’ financial institute

KARAJ, Iran. May 9, 2018. Protest gathering of looted depositors of...

KARAJ, Iran. May 9, 2018. Protest gathering of looted depositors of ‘Alborz’ financial institute in front of the governorateProtest gathering of looted depositors of ‘Alborz’ financial institute in front of […]

Iran: Security forces use tear gas on protesters demanding their savings

Iran: Security forces use tear gas on protesters demanding their savings

May 1, 2018 – Investors of the Alborz Credit Institute in Karaj, west of Tehran in Iran are rallying outside the “Mellat House” in this city demanding their savings.State security […]

Iran news in brief, March 13, 2019

Iran news in brief, March 13, 2019

Iran news in brief, March 13, 2019Mike Pompeo Says: U.S. ‘COMMITTED to BRINGING IRANIAN CRUDE OIL EXPORTS to ZERO U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said the United States […]

IRAN: Anti-riot forces take up positions in Kazerun to quell major protest

IRAN: Anti-riot forces take up positions in Kazerun to quell major...

On Thursday, April 19, despite the presence of heavily-armed anti-riot forces, thousands of residents of Kazerun, southern Iran, turned out for a fourth consecutive day of protests over the regime’s […]

Iran news in brief, February 1, 2019

Iran news in brief, February 1, 2019

Iran news in brief, February 1, 20191- Facebook, Twitter take down disinformation campaigns linked to Iran Facebook says it has removed almost 800 “coordinated, inauthentic” pages, groups, and accounts directed […]

Iran news in brief, April 25, 2018

Iran news in brief, April 25, 2018

Iran news in brief, April 25, 2018Trump warns Iranian regime that if it threatens USA ‘will pay price like few ever paid’ U.S. president, issued a firm warning to Iranian […]

Iran: Isfahan farmers clash with regime security forces

Iran: Isfahan farmers clash with regime security forces

April 7th. This morning, after the gathering of people and farmers in Khaju Bridge in Isfahan, they rallied in protest of the interruption of their water rights. The repressive security […]

Iran news in brief, April 24, 2018

Iran news in brief, April 24, 2018

Iran news in brief, April 24, 2018Woman in Tabriz attacked with acidAccording to local reports, a 37-year-old woman in Tabriz ، Norhwestern Iran, was attacked with acid yesterday in the […]

IRAN: Mar.4, 2018. Protest gathering of the land owners against seizure of their lands by state

IRAN: Mar.4, 2018. Protest gathering of the land owners against...

IRAN: Mar.4, 2018. Protest gathering of the land owners against seizure of their lands by state On Sunday, Mar. 4, 2018. land owners of ” Kosar Hashtegerd” gathered in front […]