Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Maryam Rajavi at conference: Iran Uprising - International Call for Release of Detainees

Maryam Rajavi at conference: Iran Uprising – International Call for Release...

Maryam Rajavi: Europe must end its silence and inaction over Iranian regime’s crimes

Maryam Rajavi at conference: Iran Uprising - International Call for Release of Detainees

Maryam Rajavi at conference: Iran Uprising – International Call for Release...

Maryam Rajavi: Europe must end its silence and inaction over Iranian regime’s crimes

Maryam Rajavi’s Speech in Memory of the Feb 8, 1982 Martyrs -سخنرانی مریم رجوی بمناسبت ۱۹بهمن ۱۳۶۰

Maryam Rajavi’s Speech in Memory of the Feb 8, 1982 Martyrs

Maryam Rajavi’s Speech in Memory of the Feb 8, 1982 Martyrs

Maryam Rajavi meets with former US House Speaker Gingrich and Senator Torricelli

Maryam Rajavi meets with former US House Speaker Gingrich and Senator...

Maryam Rajavi meets and holds talks with former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senator Robert Torricelli

Maryam Rajavi :Iran uprising, time to march on

Maryam Rajavi :Iran uprising,it is time to march on

Maryam Rajavi :Iran uprising, time to march onAt a conference entitled, “Regime Change in Iran; Onwards with 1000 Ashrafs”

Maryam Rajavi at press conference in the council of Europe

Maryam Rajavi at press conference in the council of Europe

Maryam Rajavi at press conference in the Parlimentary Assembly of the council of Europe: Immediately free those arrested in Iran uprising  

Maryam Rajavi at the Council of Europe 24 January 2018 Call for the release of detained protesters

Maryam Rajavi at the Council of Europe 24 January 2018 Call...

Maryam Rajavi at the Council of Europe, 24 January 2018Call for the release of detained protesters  

Maryam Rajavi The clerical regime’s overthrow is certain and within reach

Maryam Rajavi The clerical regime’s overthrow is certain and within reach

Maryam Rajavi: The clerical regime’s overthrow is certain and within reachSpeech to the Paris conference, “Mullahs’ Regime in Crises”-December 16, 2017  

Maryam Rajavi: I urge my compatriots to join the nationwide quest for freedom

Maryam Rajavi: I urge my compatriots to join the nationwide quest...

Maryam Rajavi: I urge my compatriots to join the nationwide quest for freedom

Maryam Rajavi’s New Year message - 2018

Maryam Rajavi’s New Year message – 2018

Maryam Rajavi’s New Year message – 2018