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MEK Resistance Units and Iran’s Uprising

mek resistance units video messages free Iran 2023
MEK Resistance Units send video messages to Free Iran 2023 World Summit

As the anniversary of the 2022 uprising approaches, it is essential to reflect on the multifaceted dimensions that made it a defining moment in Iran’s history. Among the various factors that propelled the uprising, one crucial aspect that emerged was the pivotal role of the MEK Resistance Units. These units, spearheaded by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have ignited a beacon of hope within the Iranian society, orchestrating a steadfast struggle for liberation and democracy.

Stretching from December 2017 to 2022, six nationwide uprisings have vividly illuminated the Iranian people’s steadfast determination to usher in fundamental change. Amidst a climate of brutal repression and years of enduring torture and execution, their persistent calls for freedom and democracy have echoed loudly. In the throes of these protests, where thousands across Iran raised their voices against the oppressive clerical regime, slogans like “No Shah, No Sheikh (mullahs),” “Death to Khamenei,” and “Down with oppressor, be it Shah or Leader (Khamenei)” reverberated with a resounding resonance. This article delves into the indispensable role played by the MEK Resistance Units in shaping the course of these protests and examines their profound impact on Iranian society.

Seeds of Change Within Iran

At the heart of the Iranian Resistance’s philosophy lies the belief that transformative change must originate within the nation. This sentiment gave birth to the MEK Resistance Units – decentralized networks of activists that have risen against the current regime. These cells operate as the nucleus of the Iranian opposition movement, mobilizing citizens for protests and acts of defiance.

Empowered by the organizational and political support of the PMOI/MEK, the Resistance Units have played a pivotal role in the last six major nationwide uprisings. Their functions encompass organizing, reporting, and orchestrating small daily protests, strikes, and graffiti campaigns to spread anti-regime slogans. These actions have proven to be a countermeasure against the regime’s suppressive tactics and a source of inspiration for countless Iranians yearning for freedom.

Resistance units project images of Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi in Ahvaz & Tonekabon

MEK Resistance Units Since 2022 Uprising

The advent of the 2022 uprising marked a turning point, with MEK Resistance Units galvanizing their efforts in confronting the regime’s suppressive measures. In the span of just a few months since September 2022, these networks orchestrated an astonishing three thousand counter-suppression operations. However, their unyielding dedication came at a cost – as of April 2023, the Iranian resistance reported that more than 3,600 members of the Resistance Units had either been imprisoned or gone missing since the onset of the uprising. This striking disparity between those who have joined the network within Iran and those apprehended signifies a remarkable achievement. It reflects not only the resilience of the Resistance Units but also their ability to operate stealthily within the heart of an oppressive regime’s machinery. This achievement serves as a poignant testament to the profound impact of the Resistance Units as they continue to spearhead a relentless pursuit of justice and democracy in the face of adversity.

MEK Resistance Units march in Iran's cities on anniversary of 1979 revolution

The Influential Tactics of MEK Resistance Units

The past five years have witnessed the growth and expansion of MEK Resistance Units not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, as they have emerged as a roadmap for Iranian youth seeking to challenge the oppressive regime. The activities of these units have birthed a model of defiance that has resonated deeply within Iranian society. The 2022 uprising showcased the power of this model, as the youth adopted the same tactics and methods employed by the Resistance Units. The incineration of regime propaganda banners and billboards, symbolic acts that resonated with the public, became a hallmark of the uprising. The repetition of slogans like “Death to Khamenei” and other potent expressions of resistance underscored the resonance of the Resistance Units’ messaging with the younger generation. This emulation was not only an affirmation of the efficacy of these tactics but also a testament to the organic connection between the Resistance Units and the youth of Iran. As the youth took the mantle of resistance, they became living embodiments of the MEK’s unwavering commitment to challenging the regime’s symbols and oppressive mechanisms, forging a more radicalized stance against the regime, and fostering a collective yearning for change. The Resistance Units have become a nightmare for the regime and a beacon of hope for the Iranian youth, inspiring a potent uprising that threatens to reshape the nation’s destiny.

Students in Iran's universities chant: Down with the Oppressor, Be it the Shah or the Supreme Leader

A Unifying Force for Change

The symbiotic relationship between the Iranian populace and the MEK Resistance Units is evident in the regime’s response. The regime’s security and propaganda officials acknowledge the MEK’s unity, organized structure, and formidable intelligence capabilities. These attributes have positioned the MEK as the solitary entity capable of presenting a viable alternative to the current regime.

Internal documents from the regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reveal the regime’s anxiety over the MEK’s enduring influence. Despite attempts to portray the MEK as a mere historical relic, its active presence within Iranian society undermines these claims. The regime’s relentless demonization campaign highlights its fear of the MEK’s potential to galvanize and organize resistance.

In a rare roundtable event organized by IRNA, regime “experts” conceded that the MEK’s vitality is derived not from foreign support but from its roots within Iranian society. On August 2, 2023. IRNA, the official news agency of the regime, orchestrated a roundtable discussion involving five purported “experts” on the occasion of releasing a new book aimed at further demonizing the MEK. Cloaked in titles such as “university professor” and “history researcher,” these participants were, in reality, deeply entrenched in the regime’s security and propaganda apparatus, with some even having been involved in interrogations and torture. The candid discussions that transpired during this event underscored the regime’s apprehension.

When Mohammad Atrianfar posed the question, “Why is the MEK so important? What kept it alive?” Ebrahim Fayyaz’s response held significant implications. Fayyaz acknowledged that the Iranian youth were gravitating towards the MEK, attributing this shift to the regime’s lack of transparency with the younger generation. His admission that the MEK’s resilience isn’t solely due to foreign support indicated the organization’s deep roots within Iranian society. Mohammad Quchani further illuminated the MEK’s pivotal role, stating that the organization’s influence has created a divide between the people’s rightful protests and the ruling regime. Quchani’s admission that the MEK played a role wherever legitimate protests were steered off-course underscores the organization’s integral involvement in protests. He went on to assert that the MEK’s efforts have led to the separation of clergy and state from the people, highlighting the movement’s lasting impact on Iranian society.

The summarizing remarks of Abbas Salimi Namin encapsulated the roundtable’s core sentiment: “Our main issue in the country is the MEK, and we must address it.” This declaration from an event orchestrated by the regime itself underscores the pervasive influence of the MEK and the regime’s realization that the organization represents a central challenge to its rule. The insights shared during this event illuminate the deep-seated concern the regime holds regarding the MEK and its Resistance Units as they continue to disrupt the status quo and inspire the Iranian populace toward a path of revolution and liberation.

A Glance at Triumph: Sample Reports from MEK Resistance Units’ Ongoing Struggle

Iranian Resistance Units: “The only solution is revolution!”

iranian resistance units activities august 20 2023

While Iran’s regime is resorting to different tactics to cause public fear and prevent protests on the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising, Resistance Units are busy keeping the flame of rebellion alit and countering the regime’s apparatus of repression.

Resistance Units are a network of activists associated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). They have been a driving force for the nationwide uprisings against the regime’s brutal suppression. They are carrying out activities at great risks to their lives and safety.

In the past few days, Resistance Units have carried out various activities across the country.

In Gorgan, northern Iran, Resistance Units posted a video, chanting, “The only solution is uprising and revolution, the rest is a mirage!” and “Their excuse is the hijab, the answer is revolution!”

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MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan: No to Shah, no to mullahs!

mek resistance units activities in Zahedan

On Friday, August 18, members of Resistance Units, a network of activists inside Iran affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in Zahedan carried out anti-regime activities despite a growing wave of repressive measures by the regime.

Zahedan has been one of the hotbeds of the nationwide uprising that began in September 2022. Every Friday, locals held protest rallies and chanted slogans against regime leader Ali Khamenei and the regime’s suppressive entities, including the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij.

As one of the main victims of the Shah and mullahs’ dictatorships, the people of Sistan and Baluchestan have been very vocal in rejecting all forms of dictatorships. “Death to the tyrant, be it the Shah or the supreme leader!” has been one of the main slogans of protest in Zahedan and other cities of Sistan and Baluchestan. This is while the remnants of the shah regime have tried to create the impression that the people of Iran want to return to the ousted Pahlavi monarchy.

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The Iranian regime’s suppression tactics fail to intimidate MEK Resistance Units

mek resistance units activities august 15

MEK Resistance Units continue their activities despite the Iranian regime’s efforts to cause fear among the supporters of the Iranian Resistance

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

The regime is especially focused on targeting the supporters and network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), which regime officials have recently described as their main problem.

This campaign includes increased pressure on political prisoners who have been charged with supporting the PMOI.

In the latest instance of pressure on political prisoners, the regime has sentenced political prisoner Ali Moezzi to 75 months (6 years and 3 months) in prison.

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MEK Resistance Units expand activities despite oppressive measures by Iran’s regime

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Resistance Units, a network of activists inside Iran affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have expanded their activities across the country despite a wave of executions and repressive measures by the regime against political activists.

The MEK Resistance Units projected images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI president-elect Maryam Rajavi in different cities on the anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution.

In Tehran, the images of Iranian Resistance leaders were projected in Karim Khan street and Farhan Boulevard in Saadat Abad. In Yazd, central Iran, the image of the Resistance leaders was projected in the Enghelab Street. In Kashan, central Iran, the images were projected in Resalat Street. Similar activities were reported Kermanshah, Shiraz, Qom, Aligudarz, and Dehdasht.

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Iranian regime authorities confess that the PMOI is their main problem

resistance units mek founding celebration

On August 2, IRNA, the Iranian regime’s official news agency, organized a roundtable with five of the regime’s so-called “experts” on the occasion of releasing a new book, the latest chapter in the regime’s endless demonization campaign against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The participants confessed to important points about the PMOI. It is worth noting that these individuals are security and propaganda officials and sometimes interrogators and torturers of the regime’s suppression apparatus. But the regime’s news agency, as usual, presented them with titles such as university professor, history researcher, and author.

Mohammad Atrianfar asked the question: “Why is the PMOI so important? What kept it alive?”

Other participants in the roundtable each tried to answer this question.

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MEK Resistance Units send strong message at Free Iran 2023 world summit

در آستانه کهکشان مقاومت در پاریس – ۱۰۰۰۰صحنه از کانون‌های شورشی در سراسر ایران

In tandem with the Free Iran 2023 World Summit in France, thousands of members of Resistance Units, a network of MEK activists inside Iran, showed their solidarity with the yearly rally of the Iranian Resistance.

In video messages that were displayed at the world summit, 10,000 Resistance Units expressed their desire to overthrow the regime and establish a secular democratic republic.

The video messages, which came from cities all across Iran, included messages of hope and resistance. “Our choice is Maryam Rajavi,” many Resistance Units said, in reference to the Ten-Point Plan of the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

“Freedom will come, with the slogan, ‘We can and we must!’” the Resistance Units chanted in many of their video messages.

The Resistance Units carried out these activities by overcoming many perils. In recent months, the regime has ratcheted up repressive measures against dissidents, especially supporters of the MEK.

Since the regime officially cracked down on the MEK in 1981, any association with the main opposition movement results in imprisonment, torture, and even execution. However, believing in the righteousness of their path, Resistance Units continue their activities every day.

The 10,000 video messages by Resistance Units comes at a time when the regime and the remnants of the shah regime are using every tool at their disposal, including foreign media, to portray the MEK as a group that has no support inside Iran.

The activities of the Resistance Units drew admiration from the speakers and attendants at the Free Iran summit.

“Resistance units in Iran are the wellspring of hope for the Iranian people,” said former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence. “They’re the engine for change from within during uprisings and continued protests. And every day they gain strength While the regime withers.”

“The revolution that’s taking place across Iran right now is strong and it’s very well organized,” said former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird. “It’s happening because of the courage and the bravery of literally the thousands of the resistance units in every corner and every town throughout Iran.”

“The movement for democratic change is growing, and the role played by the Iranian opposition is significant,” said Anna Firth, Member of the UK House of Commons. “Resistance Units inside Iran work to organize this movement, grow its popularity and show the world that there is a democratic alternative to this regime and that democratic alternative is embodied in Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran.”

“Today the answer to overthrow the regime and establish a democratic Republic in Iran is through the Resistance Units at home and through international recognition and endorsement of the democratic alternative presented by Madame Rajavi and articulated today by so many people,” said Senator Gerry Horkan, Member of the Irish Senate.

Marius Matijošaitis, Member of Parliament from Lithuania described Resistance Units as “a symbol of hope with their activities in Iran.”

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MEK Resistance Units defy the regime’s oppression across Iran

MEK Resistance Units Continue Activities Across Iran Despite Wave of Executions

In the face of a regime resorting to execution and oppressive tactics to maintain its hold on power, the MEK Resistance Units in Iran have emerged as a formidable force, challenging the status quo and inspiring hope among the Iranian people. With unwavering determination, these courageous units are engaged in a series of activities aimed at defying the regime’s oppressive rule and advocating for a free and democratic Iran.

The Iranian regime’s alarming increase in executions has become a grave concern. Amnesty International reports that at least 110 inmates have been sent to the gallows since April 21, 2023. In 2022 alone, more than 576 people were executed in Iran, marking an 83 percent rise compared to the previous year. It is within this context that the MEK Resistance Units have stepped up their efforts to challenge the regime’s oppressive practices.

One of the notable activities undertaken by the Resistance Units is the torching of IRGC Basij entrances and other symbols associated with the oppressive regime. By targeting these organizations and structures, the units symbolically demonstrate their rejection of the regime’s reign of fear and oppression. These acts of defiance send a powerful message to both the regime and the Iranian people that they will not succumb to tyranny.

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Iran’s brave youth intensify attacks targeting regime sites

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 262nd day on Sunday as anti-regime protests remain relentless, especially as the economic conditions for everyday households become all the more difficult. Protesters and brave youths have been launching a variety of attacks against the regime’s interests in response to the mullahs’ recent surge in executions and general crackdown policies against the Iranian people. This goes parallel to people from all walks of life taking to the streets in periodic protests to voice their anger and demand answers from regime officials who are known to be plundering the general public.

People throughout Iran continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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The world should embrace the change coming to Iran

iran revolution 2022

The following article was submitted by a member of the MEK Resistance Units in Iran. The author’s name has been redacted due to security concerns.

It has now been more than two months since my fellow Iranians and I took to the streets following the murder of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the regime’s “morality police.” During this time, we have continually emphasized that such fatal abuses are part of the clerical regime’s DNA and that they will not stop until that regime falls and is replaced by one that truly reflects the will of the Iranian people.

I know that I speak for millions of my compatriots when I say that we are prepared to continue our current uprising, at great personal cost, until that vision of regime change is realized.

Already, the authorities have killed at least 550 protesters, and the state media has boasted of more than 1,000 indictments in the capital city alone. Some of those indictments are under the charge of “enmity against God,” a charge that, although vaguely defined, can carry the death penalty. Meanwhile, the main democratic opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, has determined that over 30,000 protesters have been arrested in total.

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Iran protests: MEK Resistance Units report of the growing bravery of people

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The bravery of the Iranian people has been underscored by each of the reports prepared by the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) since the start of Iran’s nationwide uprising. Recently, these reports, based on information from the MEK’s network of “Resistance Units”, have concluded that fear of a popular revolution has become prevalent within the regime’s camp.

Founded in 2013, the MEK’s Resistance Units are a highly organized underground network of men and women who have been playing a leading role in the major protests in Iran since 2017. They act as the trailblazers of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy. Their role in organizing protests and their relentless activities could be described as a sledgehammer breaking the atmospheric crackdown the ruling theocracy has imposed.

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Protesters continuously target regime sites across Iran

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 211th day on Friday as various cities are reporting protests by people from different walks of life. Brave youth and MEK Resistance Units have also been actively targeting the regime’s sites in response to the mullahs’ atrocious chemical gas attacks targeting innocent schoolgirls throughout Iran.

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Iran sees more anti-regime attacks as protests over executions continue

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As the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has been escalating the number of executions across the country, reaching at least 90 counts since April 21, the Iranian people are continuing their protests against these brutalities. Brave youths and members of the network of Resistance Units affiliated to the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran have been launching new campaigns against the ruling dictatorship and their entire crackdown apparatus in response to the recent surge of brutal executions.

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MEK Resistance Units expand activities despite oppressive measures by Iran’s regime

Resistance Units, a network of activists inside Iran affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have expanded their activities across the country despite a wave of executions and repressive measures by the regime against political activists.

The MEK Resistance Units projected images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI president-elect Maryam Rajavi in different cities on the anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution.

In Tehran, the images of Iranian Resistance leaders were projected in Karim Khan street and Farhan Boulevard in Saadat Abad. In Yazd, central Iran, the image of the Resistance leaders was projected in the Enghelab Street. In Kashan, central Iran, the images were projected in Resalat Street. Similar activities were reported Kermanshah, Shiraz, Qom, Aligudarz, and Dehdasht.

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units increase activities despite wave of executions

MEK Resistance units activities 1

As the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising approaches, Iran’s regime has resorted to a repressive measures to prevent public rage to boil into anti-regime protests again. Chief among these measures is the unprecedented wave of executions happening across Iran.

On August 10 the regime hanged two of Baluch’s compatriots in Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison and a Kurdish compatriot in Hamedan’s Central Prison. On August 9, two prisoners were executed in Hamedan and one in Yasuj Central Prison. On the same day, state media quoted the prosecutor of Marand as saying that five prisoners were hanged in the city. On August 8, the regime hanged two prisoners in Shiraz Central Prison and on August 6, they executed eight prisoners in different cities. A tally of different reports shows that since August 6, the regime has executed 24 prisoners to maintain its hold on power and intimidate the public.

At the same time, the regime is carrying out other repressive measures, including expanding the activities of the so-called “morality police.”

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The Iranian regime’s suppression tactics fail to intimidate MEK Resistance Units

mek resistance units activities august 15

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

The regime is especially focused on targeting the supporters and network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), which regime officials have recently described as their main problem.

This campaign includes increased pressure on political prisoners who have been charged with supporting the PMOI.

In the latest instance of pressure on political prisoners, the regime has sentenced political prisoner Ali Moezzi to 75 months (6 years and 3 months) in prison.

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Resistance Units in Iran mark the MEK’s 57th anniversary

resistance units mek founding celebration

Iranian Resistance Units have been celebrating the MEK’s 57th founding anniversary in many cities, towns, and villages throughout Iran. Their campaign focuses on providing new hope and encouraging Iran’s restive public, and leading the ongoing struggle against the mullahs’ regime with the objective of establishing freedom, democracy, and human rights in a non-nuclear Iran.

The Resistance Units are installing posters of MEK’s founders and pledging to continue their path until victory is achieved and Iran is freed from the clutches of the mullahs’ regime.

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