Thursday, July 18, 2024
Home Iranian Regime Infighting

Iranian Regime Infighting

Iran News: Power Struggle Intensifies Over Tehran Mayoral Seat Amid Allegations of Corruption

The political infighting within the clerical regime has reached new heights as a campaign to unseat Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani gains momentum. The conflict,...

Infighting Intensifies as Iran’s Regime Forms New Government

Two-minute read As the clerical regime in Iran gears up for the formation of a new government, rival factions are fiercely contesting for influence and...

In Iran’s Sham Presidential Election, the People Won and Khamenei Lost

Two-minute read After weeks of relentless propaganda, pleas, and power struggles, the spectacle of replacing Ebrahim Raisi, the notorious executioner-turned-president who met an abrupt end,...

Amid Post-Election Strife, Iranian Regime’s Supreme Leader Sets Expectations for Masoud Pezeshkian

Three-minute read This morning, Iranian state television broadcast images of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, meeting with members of Ebrahim Raisi's cabinet. In the...

Reasons Behind Khamenei’s Forced Approval of Masoud Pezeshkian in Iran’s Sham Election

Four-minute read Today, it is universally acknowledged that true democracy and genuine elections are absent in Iran. Over the past four decades, the clerical regime...

Pezeshkian vs. Mokhber: Infighting Intensifies Over Last-Minute Appointments in Iran

Three-minute read Internal conflict within Iran’s clerical regime has escalated as officials in the outgoing Raisi administration attempt to solidify their faction's influence through a...

Masoud Pezeshkian: A Hardliner in Reformist Clothing

In the wake of Iran's 2024 presidential election, Masoud Pezeshkian has emerged as the new face of the Iranian regime’s leadership. While some have...

Power Struggles Intensify in Iran Following Sham Presidential Election

Two-minute read Following the contentious presidential election held to replace the slain regime president Ebrahim Raisi, internal power struggles and public infighting within the clerical...

Iran News: Clerical Regime Vows to Continue Terror Sponsorship Through Masoud Pezeshkian

As the leading state sponsor of terrorism, the clerical dictatorship ruling Iran has doubled down on its commitment under new President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian. In...

Iran News: State Media Exposes Corruption and Economic Mismanagement in Iran

Recent reports from various state-run media outlets have unveiled widespread corruption and economic mismanagement within Iran's clerical dictatorship, sparking significant public outrage. According to Tasnim...