Amb. Lincoln Bloomfield Shares Insights on U.S. Policy and Iranian Resistance in Latest Iran: The Untold Story Podcast

Iran: The Untold Story Podcast with Amb. Lincoln Bloomfield on MEK and regime's misinformation

In the latest episode of the “Iran: The Untold Story” podcast, Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield Jr., former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political and Military Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, provides an in-depth analysis of U.S. understanding of the Iranian Resistance movement. He delves into the history of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and his pivotal role in dismantling Tehran’s misinformation campaign and removing the from the U.S. terrorist list.

Ambassador Bloomfield recounts his initial encounter with the PMOI and the rigorous investigation he undertook to uncover the organization’s true nature amidst a flood of misleading data within Washington’s bureaucracy. He explains the critical efforts that led former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to delist the PMOI, underscoring the complexity and significance of this decision.

Drawing from his extensive research and publications, Amb. Bloomfield addresses the PMOI’s relationship with Iraq, specifically during the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. He scrutinizes allegations that the PMOI sided with Baghdad and the claims of the organization’s involvement in the killing of Americans, providing historical context and sources for these accusations.

The ambassador also explores why the PMOI has been labeled a “cult” by various experts and policymakers, noting how these claims intensified following the removal of the terrorist designation. He contrasts the organization’s interpretation of Islam with that of the clerical regime in Iran, highlighting the ideological differences and the PMOI’s spiritual guidance throughout their struggle.

Amb. Bloomfield discusses other Iranian groups, particularly monarchist factions, explaining why they lack political credibility. He elaborates on his experiences working with the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its President-elect Maryam Rajavi, sharing his personal motivations for supporting the movement and why he continues to endorse NCRI’s Ten-Point Plan as a roadmap to transition from tyranny to democracy in Iran.

Concluding with policy recommendations, Ambassador Bloomfield advises on how the U.S. government should navigate its relations with the Iranian regime and recalibrate its stance towards the NCRI and PMOI. His insights offer a nuanced perspective on a complex geopolitical issue, making this podcast episode a must-listen for those interested in U.S.-Iran relations and the future of the Iranian Resistance.

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