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HomeIran Protests 2019-News And ArticlesFACT SHEET: Officials Involved in Suppression of 2019 Iran Protests

FACT SHEET: Officials Involved in Suppression of 2019 Iran Protests

Officials Involved in Suppression of 2019 Iran Protests
Officials Involved in Suppression of 2019 Iran Protests

Officials involved in the suppression of the 2019 Iran protests have been named by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

After nationwide protests for regime change erupted in Iran on November 15, 2019, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ordered his security forces to crack down on the Iran protests.

The regime’s security forces used lethal force in arresting more than 12,000 people and killing more than 1000 protesters, including dozens of children as young as 13.

The information included in this Fact Sheet is based on intelligence obtained by the network of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), or Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK).


The regime’s Assembly of Experts issued a statement on November 22, calling on “all security and judiciary organs to identify, confront, and put on trial the leaders and elements responsible for the riots, and to deal with them with unqualified decisiveness.”

On November 21, Tehran Radio broadcast a speech by Tehran’s Friday prayer leader Ahmad Khatami. He told his audience: “One of the expectations from you is to identify the thugs. … Without any feelings of empathy, report these thugs to officials. Do the same thing that you did against the Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK in the first stage of the revolution. You saw how we got rid of the MEK. People came on the scene. Sometimes, a father whose son was a MEK supporter would turn him in. I believe that in view of the extensive plot that these people designed, we must seek and pursue them from house to house and turn them into officials.”

Khatami added: “I say to the Judiciary: The first thing is that judicial officials must hand down the ultimate punishment to the organizers and leaders of these gangs, those who killed people, those who committed robbery, those who intimidated, whether it was they, themselves or they cooperated with others. As a cleric with over 20 years of experience teaching in religious seminaries about fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), I say that these people are baqi (disobedient), they are mohareb (waging war on God), and they must face the ultimate punishment (i.e. death). Regarding their followers, I say to the Judiciary that you must act with decisiveness so that these people would forever feel remorseful and never feel the urge to commit such riots again. And, others would learn a lesson about this episode. This is the demand of the people. The people have suffered damages and this is their demand.”

On November 21, the state-run Baran TV broadcast a speech by mullah Falahati, the Friday prayer leader in the northern city of Rasht, who said: “The Judiciary must firmly hand down the ultimate punishment for the main elements of the recent riots who are responsible for disturbing the peace.”

The regime’s prosecutor in Alborz province, Haji Reza Shakarami, said: “The judge can declare that those who disrupt security if they intend to overthrow the system or damage public and private assets are mohareb or mofsid fil-arz (corrupters of the Earth; both charges carry the death penalty). They themselves are responsible for the consequences.” (Serat News, November 19) The state-run Kayhan daily wrote on November 19: “Some of the reports indicate that judicial officials are certain that punishment by the noose will be delivered to the leaders of the recent riots.”

On November 20, Faezeh Hashemi, daughter of the regime’s former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, said: “Mr. Rouhani, if the number of protestors is so low, why have you shut down the internet? What is the reason for such treatment?” (Jamaran website)

The Iranian Resistance has for the first time exposed details and pictures of 87 of the key officials involved in the senseless, extrajudicial, and violent repression, murder, wounding, and detention of protesters in seven provinces.

The seven provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Khuzestan, Fars, Isfahan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah were scenes of the most significant, widespread, and pervasive protests that Iran has witnessed recently.

Iranian regime’s Judiciary and Security Officials

Involved in Suppression of 2019 Iran Protests



First Friday Prayer subsequent to the uprising (November 22, 2019):”They (protesters) are saboteurs and should face the most severe punishments… I believe in light of the extent of the plot, they should be chased from house to house and handed over to the authorities. I say they are saboteurs, they are enemies of God and should face the most severe punishments.”

IRGC Brigadier Ali Fadavi, Deputy Commander in Chief of the IRGC

Fars News Agency (affiliated to the IRGC), November 22, 2019: “There were protests and clashes in 28 provinces in the first day… For instance, I talked to IRGC commanders in a number of cities. They said on some occasions, the scope of the riots reminded us of Karbala 4 [the most severe battle of the IRGC during Iran-Iraq war]. We were indeed fighting for 48 hours.”

Speaking to journalists on November 24 while referring to the protesters, he said: “The country’s judiciary system will hand them the most severe punishments.”

Hesameddin Ashena, Head of the Office of Strategic Assessments, Hassan Rouhani’s advisor

Note: Ashena used to wear the attire of a mullah. But he has put this aside in recent years. He is the son-in-law of mullah Ghorbanali Dori-Najafabadi. During Khatami’s tenure as the president, Najafabadi was the Minister of Intelligence and Security. Ashena was a deputy of the MOIS.
In a tweet, he wrote, “They thought they have started Eternal Light Operation No. 2.” But, “In reality, Operation Mersad No. 2 has started.”

Mullah Falahati, Rasht Friday Prayer leader and the Representative of Khamenei in Gilan Province- November 22, 2019:

“… We know that you are the children of the MEK members who were executed in 1980s. We know you are the children of the MEK members who have taken refuge outside of the country… We know you… The judiciary should deal swiftly with the key instigators of the recent riots who deprived people of their tranquility. They should face the most sever punishments.”

IRGC Brigadier Salar Abnoosh, Deputy of Operations of Bassij Organization

Hamedan, November 21, 2019:

“If it were not for judicious decisions of his eminence, the leader, the desire of the seditionists would had turned into reality since in their calculations his eminence would protest this decision (of increasing gasoline prices) in light of the pressure that is exerted on the lower income people. But he wisely nixed their plot.”

IRGC Brigadier Ramazan Sharif, Spokesman of the IRGC

State-run media, Etemad online, November 22, 2019:

“Fortunately for the first time our intelligence and security agencies, in particular, the Intelligence Organization of the IRGC, for the first time were able to arrest the ring leaders of these riots.”

Mullah Mohammad-Jafar Montazeri, Prosecutor General and Head of the Special Court of the Clergy

November 24, 2019: “Those who have committed major crimes will be dealt with within the context of the current laws.”

Hamid Mardanipour, General and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Abadan

November 24, 2019: “One of the instigators of the recent riots in Abadan was identified and arrested in Abadan… That fellow and similar ones will be dealt with very harshly and they will be given the most severe punishments.”

Gholamhossein Esmaili, Spokesman of the Judiciary

State run Mehr News Agency: “The time has come for reviewing the judicial cases of every one of those who have been arrested in recent uprisings.”

Hooshang Bazvand, Governor of Kermanshah Province

State-run Mehr News Agency: November 23, 2019: “The key elements of the protests were identified by the province’s intelligence and the state security forces. They will be dealt with legally and swiftly.”


Tehran Province

The capital city, Tehran, and other cities in Tehran province were among active centers of uprising from November 15 to 23. During this period, state security forces killed at least 83 protesters and wounded up to 800 in this province.
Criminal officials of the Iranian regime involved in the killing, wounding, and arrest of protesters are as follows:

IRGC of the Greater Tehran Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps

Mohammad-Reza Yazdi Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corp
Mohammad-Reza Yazdi
Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps
Sirous Saberi Deputy Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corp Hossein Dini Deputy Coordinator of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corp Mohammad Na’imi representative of the Supreme Leader in Mohammad Rasoulollah Corp
Sirous Saberi
Deputy Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps
Hossein Dini
Deputy Coordinator of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps
Mohammad Na’imi
Representative of the Supreme Leader in Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps

Protection Council of Tehran Province

Mohammad Esmail Kosari Deputy Commander of Sarollah Base of IRGC in Tehran Hossein Salami Commander in Chief of the IRGC and Commander of Sarollah Base of IRGC in Tehran Anoushirvan Mohseni Band-Pey Governor
Mohammad Esmail Kosari
Deputy Commander of IRGC Sarollah Base in Tehran
Hossein Salami
Commander in Chief of the IRGC and Commander of IRGC Sarollah Base in Tehran
Anoushirvan Mohseni Band-Pey
Hamid Reza Goudarzi Governor’s Deputy on Security and Police Affairs Ali Alqasi Mehr Revolutionary Prosecutor General General Director of the Intelligence in Tehran Province
Hamid Reza Goudarzi
Governor’s Deputy on Security and Police Affairs
Ali Alqasi Mehr
Revolutionary Prosecutor General
General Director of the Intelligence in Tehran Province
Hossein Rahimi Commander of NAJA of the Greater Tehran Kiomars Azizi Commander of NAJA in east of province Mohsen Khancherli Commander of NAJA in west of province
Hossein Rahimi
Commander of NAJA of Greater Tehran
Kiomars Azizi
Commander of NAJA in east of Tehran Province
Mohsen Khancherli
Commander of NAJA in west of Tehran Province
Hassan Hassan-Zadeh Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corp in Tehran Province Mohammad-Reza Yazdi Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corp of Greater Tehran
Hassan Hassan-Zadeh
Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corps in Tehran Province
Mohammad-Reza Yazdi
Commander of Mohammad Rasoulollah Corps of Greater Tehran

IRGC of Tehran Province

Seyyed Alshohada Corps

Hassan Hassan-Zadeh Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corp in Tehran Province
Hassan Hassan-Zadeh
Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corp in Tehran Province
Colonel Alireza Heydarnia Deputy Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corp Colonel Majid Amir Abdullahian Deputy Coordinator of Seyyed Alshohada Corp Mullah Mokhtar Nazari representative of the Supreme Leader in Seyyed Alshohada Corp
Colonel Alireza Heydarnia
Deputy Commander of Seyyed Alshohada Corps
Colonel Majid Amir Abdullahian
Deputy Coordinator of Seyyed Alshohada Corps
Mullah Mokhtar Nazari
Representative of the Supreme Leader in Seyyed Alshohada Corps

Kurdistan Province

Command of Kurdistan Province’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Hossein Rajabi Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps Commander
Brig. Gen. Mohammad Hossein Rajabi
Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps Commander
Brig. Gen. Hamzeh Fallah Beit ol-Moqaddas Deputy Commander Col. Jamshid Azadipor Deputy Coordinator Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps Ahmad Jalili Khamenei’s Rep. in Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps
Brig. Gen. Hamzeh Fallah
Beit ol-Moqaddas Deputy Commander
Col. Jamshid Azadipor
Deputy Coordinator Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps
Ahmad Jalili
Khamenei’s Rep. in Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps

Provincial Security Council

Hossein Khosh-Eghbal Security and Social Political Deputy Bahman Moradnia Governor Mohammad Jabbari Revolutionary Prosecutor General
Hossein Khosh-Eghbal
Security and Social Political Deputy
Bahman Moradnia
Mohammad Jabbari
Revolutionary Prosecutor General
Ali Azadi Commander of State Security Forces of Kurdistan Province Mohammad Hossein Rajabi Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps Commander Provincial Intelligence Director General
Ali Azadi
Commander of State Security Forces of Kurdistan Province
Mohammad Hossein Rajabi
Beit ol-Moqaddas Corps Commander
Provincial Intelligence Director General


Col. Shakiba Salimi, Marivan IRGC Commander

Col. Shakiba Salimi

Marivan IRGC Commander

Khuzestan province

Ahwaz and Mahshahr formed two cities in revolt November 14 to 23. During this period, regime security forces killed 87 protesters and wounded nearly 900 in Khouzestan province.

The criminals implicated in the killing, wounding, and arrest of the protesters are:


IRGC Khuzestan Corps Command (Hazrat-e-Vali-Asr Corps)

General Hassan Shahvarpoor Hazrat-e-vali-Asr Corps commander

              Colonel Abdolreza Hajati Coordinator deputy commander Hazrat-e-vali-Asr Corps General Moinpoor Second-in-command Hazrat-e-vali-Asr CorpsMullah Abdolreza Rastegari Khamenei’s representative Hazrat-e-vali-Asr Corps

Abadan:                                                                             IRGC Lt. Colonel Ahmadi IRGC commander for AbadanBehbahan:IRGC Lt. Colonel Abollah Kheiranpoor IRGC Commander for Behbahan districtAndimeshk:                                 IRGC Lt. Colonel Ehsan Karimpoor IRGC Commander for Andimeshk  Mahshahr:                                 IRGC Commander for Mahshar

Khuzestan Province Security Council Habibolah Asefi Security deputy Abbas Hosseini Pooya Revolutionary Prosecutor GeneralAli Hossein-Hosseinzadeh social political deputyHeydar Abbaszadeh state security forces' commander       Hassan Shahvanpoor Commander IRGC Vali-e-Asr provincial Corps        Hossein Bagherzadeh Inteligence Director general for the province

Kermanshah Province

Two of the main centers of revolt in Kermanshah province, between 14 and 22 of November, were Kermanshah and Javanrood.
Criminals that took part in the killing, injuring, and arrest of protesters are:

IRGC Command Kermanshah province (Nabi Akram Corps)

General Bahman Rohani Commander of Nabi Akram Corps

            Colonel Morteza Moradi Second-in-command of Nabi Akram Corps                 Mullah Shamsollah Jalilian Khamenei’s representative in Nabi Akram Corps                 Colonel Bayati Coordinator deputy for Nabi Akram Corps

Colonel Moussavi Inspector chief of Nabi Akram Corps

  Kermanshah Province Security Council

                     Mohammad-Ebrahim Elahi-Tabar Political-security and social deputy     Hooshang Bazvand Governor       Mohammad-Hossein Sadeghi Revolutionary Prosecutor General

                       Ali-Akbar Javidan State Security forces's commander   Bahman Reyhani Commander IRGC Nabi Akram provincial corp Haji Khorassani Intelligence Director general for the province

IRGC Lt. Colonel Abouzar Anvari commander of Javanrood Corps

Fars Province

Shiraz and Kazeroun in Fars Province formed major centers of uprising from November 15 to November 23. During this period, regime security forces martyred 30 of the protesters and wounded some 300.
The criminals who were directly involved in murdering, injuring, and arresting protesters included:

Command of the IRGC in Fars Province (Fajr Corps)
Brigadier Hashem Ghiasi Commander of Fajr Corps

 Brigadier Yadollah Bouali Deputy Commander of Fajr Corps                                                                                                 Colonel Saeed Kooshki Deputy Coordinator of Fajr Corps

 Provincial Security Council of Fars Province

Seyed Ahmad Ahmadizadeh Deputy Governor for Political, Security, Social Affairs         Enayat’ollah Rahimi Governor       Heydar Asiyabi Revolutionary Prosecutor General

Rahambakhsh Habibi Commander of State Security Forces of Fars Province        Brigadier Hashem Ghiasi Commander of IRGC Fajr Corps (assigned to Fars Province)         Director of the MOIS in Fars Province


IRGC Lt. Colonel Shahram Afshari Commander of IRGC in Kazeroun

Isfahan Province

One of the main areas of uprising from November 15 to 23 was Isfahan and its suburbs. During this period 32 of the protesters were martyred and some 300 were wounded.
The murderers who were directly involved in murdering, injuring, and arresting protesters included:

Command of the IRGC in Isfahan Province

Brigadier Mojtaba Fada Commander of IRGC in Isfahan Province

                         Colonel Abedini Deputy Coordinator of IRGC in Isfahan                Colonel Ehsanollah Rezapour In charge of the Organization of Construction Crusade of Ansar al Mahdi Corps

Provincial Security Council of Fars Province

     Heydar Ghasemi Deputy Governor for Political, Security, Social Affairs          Abbas Rezaie Governor         Ali Isfahani Revolutionary Prosecutor General      Mehdi Masoumbeygi Commander of State Security Forces of Isfahan Provinc         IRGC Brigadier Mojtaba Fada Commander of IRGC Sahebol Zaman Corps (assigned to Isfahan Province)         Bahrami Director of the MOIS in Isfahan Province

Alborz Province

Karaj city was one of the most active centers of uprisings from November 15 to 23, along with other cities in this province. During this period, state security forces killed 9 protesters and arrested about 100 in this province.
Key criminal officials involved in killing, wounding, and arrest of protesters are as follows:

                                                      IRGC Brigadier General Yousef Molaie Commander of Imam Hassan Mojtaba Corp

Ali Tarkashvand Head of Basij Construction Organization of Imam Hassan Mojtaba Corp              IRGC Colonel Valiollah Shadman, Deputy Coordinator of Imam Hassan Mojtaba Corp               Clergyman Alimorad Yousefi, Supreme Leader’s Representative in Imam Hassan Mojtaba Corp

Unidentified              Azizollah Shahbazi Governor              Haji Reza Shah Karami Revolutionary Prosecutor General

 Abbas-Ali Mohammadian Commander of State Security Forces in Alborz Province            IRGC Brigadier General Yousef Molaie Commander of Imam Hassan Mojtaba Corp             General Director of the MOIS in Alborz Province