Video – Senator Lieberman:US must support Iranian Resistance struggle to overthrow mullahs

The United States must pledge its full support to the Iranian Resistance in the struggle to overthrow the religious dictatorship in Tehran, a former US Senator has told a gathering of Iranians in Paris.Joseph Lieberman also said Iran under the presidency of Hassan Rouhani is supports mass murder of the innocent people of Syria, fundis and trains terrorists in the Middle East, and attempts to build a nuclear bomb and imprisoning people for speaking their mind.

He told the conference on June 27: “Madame Maryam Rajavi referred to the religious fundamentalists who are temporarily at the head of the Iranian government.

“They are religious, but in the American review they are leading a government that is profoundly sacrilegious. And they are doing that because they are denying the people of Iran the human rights to life, liberty and happiness that the American Declaration of Independence makes clear is the endowment of every individual on earth not from the government but from God Almighty.

“It is a year now since the soft smile of Rouhani has replaced the threatening grimace of Ahmadinejad. Iran under Rouhani continues to fund and train violent murdering terrorists in the Middle East and beyond.

Iran under Rouhani continues to insist on maintaining its nuclear capability and the systems and weapons to deliver it. Iran under Rouhani continues to punish imprison Iranians who simply want to speak their minds.

“And yet in spite of all that, there are those outside Iran, including people in high places, who want to see Iran as they wish it would be not as it is today. And I’m afraid some of those are in the United States of America.

“Those who meet with the regime, who trust its representatives, who consider working with Iran and Iraq, deceive themselves. But more than that they endanger the rest of us.

“There is only one sure way to secure the world from the threat that this regime in Tehran represents. It is for the Iranian people to overthrow these tyrants and for freedom-loving people throughout the world to support this next great revolution.

“So it is time for America to come to our values, America which we proudly call the land of the free and the home of the brave, it is time for us to give full support to the brave Iranians of the resistance for today fighting to be free.

“I want to say to you that the program of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) is totally consistent with American values. So, let us go forward from this extraordinary event prepared to pay any price and bear any burden to assure a glorious triumph of liberty for the people of Iran that will make the world a better and safer place for us and our children.”


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