Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iranians commemorate 50th anniversary of PMOI’s formation

NCRI – This year’s annual rally in Paris for democracy in Iran has a special difference. It comes on the eve of the 50th...
CHURCH TIMES, Iran rally in Paris, June 13, 2015.

Church Times: 100,000 activists call for overthrow of Iran’s regime

This week’s edition of the Church Times, published on Friday, carried a report from the annual Iran Freedom rally in support of Iranian opposition...

Congressman Pittenger: Iran regime is a danger to world

The Iranian regime is not only a danger to its own people but to the world, says U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger who was among...

Gen. Chuck Wald: Iran should not have nuclear weapons

West needs to tell Iran that will not have a nuclear weapon and there isn’t other option, former Deputy Commander U.S. European Command has...
Elaine Chao, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor

Elaine Chao: Iran is penalizing women

Elaine Chao, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor, was among over 600 political leaders and dignitaries that attended the recent major gathering of the...

Gen. Casey: Iran regime fomenting conflict in Middle East

The Iranian regime uses terror to accomplish its political and ideological objectives and is fomenting instability and conflict throughout the Middle East, US General...
Former UNAMI chief Ad Melkert urges international protection for Camp Liberty residents. Paris, June 13, 2015

EX- UN Iraq envoy: Iranian MEK Members in Camp Liberty are refugees

NCRI - The former head of the United Nations in Iraq Ad Melkert has said that members of the main Iranian opposition group People’s...
Former Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzi and hon. Marco Pannella on the stage in major Iran Freedom rally in Paris on June 13, 2015

A gathering with a powerful political message: Giulio Terzi

(Italian daily il Garantista – 17 June 2015) - Following the Paris gathering organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), we...

Howard Dean: US must keep its word to protect Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty

The United States government has failed to live up to its promise of protecting members of the main Iranian opposition group in Iraq, former...

Newt Gingrich: Iranian opposition gathering represents a great opportunity for democracies

The largest gathering of Iranian Resistance supporters who gathered this week in Paris represent a “dramatically better future” for Iran, a former Speaker of...