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HomeIran Freedom Rally 2015Mullahs should be tried for crimes against humanity, Giuliani tells giant Iranian...

Mullahs should be tried for crimes against humanity, Giuliani tells giant Iranian opposition rally


Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has called for the Iranian mullahs to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

During his speech to the Iran Freedom rally in Paris, Mr Giuliani, a Republican candidate in the 2008 presidential elections, added he was “embarrassed” by the fact that his country had “broken its promise to people now in a concentration camp called Liberty”.

In a rousing address, he said: “The ayatollah must go. He and Rouhani and Ahmadinejad and all of the rest of them should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for the thousands and hundreds of thousands of people they have killed, and it is about time we stop ignoring it.”

“Where is our decency and morality? We have allowed this for years, hundreds of thousands of Iranians slaughtered, more being slaughtered today than before.

“For how much longer are we going to allow this? What happened to the America that supports democracy and freedom?”

Mr Giuliani said the Iranian regime should never have access to a nuclear weapon.

“We unequivocally support a non-nuclear Iran. What does a non-nuclear Iran mean? What it means is Iran should have no, none, zero nuclear capacity because the regime in Iran can’t be trusted with it.”

On the plight of the Iranian Resistance members in Camp Liberty, he added: “I am extremely embarrassed by the fact that my country has broken its promise to people who are now in a concentration camp called Liberty. They lied to us.”
“I am ashamed, and I am here to apologize, and we will do everything we can to make good on that promise.

“To the people of Camp Liberty: you bear the biggest burden. You are conducting yourself with dignity and strength and show us what the future of Iran can be. You show us the character of the people of Iran.”

Mr Giuliani was just as strident on regime change. He said: “There is an alternative: Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI, all of you, and all of the people inside Iran.”

John Bolton, former US ambassador to the UN and under-secretary of state for arms control, told the rally that the solution to the nuclear weapons impasse with Tehran was to get rid of the mullahs.

“The MEK has done more to make the world aware of the clandestine nuclear program of the ayatollahs than anyone else,” he said referring to the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

“Negotiations and sanctions have not slowed down the nuclear weapons program at all nor Iran’s offensive behavior, its aide to Hezbollah, the Assad regime, Houthis or the Baghdad government.

“It is critical that the world understand the consequences of what happened. This agreement is fundamentally flawed. The agreement does not cover the ayatollahs’ ballistic missile program or weaponization efforts.

“This regime has been lying for 35 years. This deal will legitimatize the mullahs’ enrichment program. The real solution to the ayatollahs’ nuclear weapons program is to get rid of the ayatollahs.”

Governor Bill Richardson, former US ambassador to the UN and former governor of New Mexico, said: “This regime has tortured and repressed its people for too long a time.”

“The regime should stop helping Hezbollah, Hamas, the regime in Syria, and free political prisoners, free the American marine, the American journalist, and all political prisoners.

“Do you know where the democratic alternative is? It is right here, it is you. It is democracy, it is the people of Iran that you represent. I’m proud to be with you.”

Judge Michael Mukasey, the 81st Attorney General of the US, said it was now time for the international community to help the resistance bring about regime change in Iran.

He said: “Our governments should cooperate with the PMOI and NCRI and eventually bring about regime change. That is the only way that Iran’s neighbors can live in peace, and the only way that the rest of the world can live in peace is that you, rather than they, are in control.”

And Elaine Chao, former US Secretary of Labor, had a special message for the women of Iran.

“While other countries are empowering women, Iran has been penalizing women. Seventy-seven fields of study are prohibited for women.”
“To Iranian women: we see you, we hear you and you are not forgotten. No regime, however repressive or brutal, can stand against fundamental reforms forever.”