Congressman Higgins: A free and democratic Iran is in the best interest of Iranian and American people


U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins told a huge Iran Freedom rally in Paris on June 13 by video-recorded message that is a serial violator of human rights of its people. Iran uses torture, arbitrary incarceration, prosecution of minorities and other nefarious tactics to maintain their grip on power.

Higgins said a free and democratic Iran is in the best interest of Iranian and American people.

Below is the text of the video message to Iran Freedom Rally:

My name is Brian Higgins, I’m a member of the United States Congress representing the 26th Congressional District in New York, greetings to all of you. I want you to know that all of us in America stand with you as an advocate for free, secular, and non-nuclear Republic of Iran. Iran is the most egregious state sponsor of terrorism is causing instability throughout the Middle East and is a serial violator of human rights of its people. Iran uses torture, arbitrary incarceration, prosecution of minorities and other nefarious tactics to maintain their grip on power.

A free and democratic Iran is in the best interest of Iranian and American people. It is also the best way to prevent Iran from supporting terror and obtaining nuclear weapons. The Unites States must keep our commitment to protecting the refugees at Camp Liberty and assist in their resettlement. I applaud you for your continued advocacy and pledge to continue working toward our common goals.

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