Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran 1988 Massacre-News And Articles

In the summer of 1988, the Iranian regime summarily and extra-judicially executed more than 30 thousands of political prisoners held in jails across Iran. The massacre was carried out on the basis of a fatwa by the regime’s then-Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini.


Key Events of 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran

A study of the political situation in Iran in 1988, particularly the cease-fire of the Iran-Iraq war, Khomeini’s severe illness, the critical situation of...
In 1988, the Iranian regime undertook the systematic massacre of political prisoners. Over the course of several months, approximately 30,000 detainees were killed during the 1988 massacre

The Iran 1988 Massacre Continued Till Early 1989

In some of the notes and assessments regarding the 1988 massacre, the period of the mass executions has been acknowledged as late July to...

How the Iran 1988 Massacre Started

The 1988 massacre was a huge event. It should, however, be viewed in the context of another event of great import: Khomeini’s surrender to...
Maryam Rajavi visits a memorial of the 30,000 victims of Iran’s 1988 massacre of political prisoners outside France’s National Assembly, October 29, 2019

International Condemnation of Iran’s 1988 Massacre

During the summer of 1988 massacre, the Iranian regime’s authorities forcefully disappeared and massacred over 30,000 political prisoners. Most of the victims were members...

Iran: The UN Experts’ Letter, a “Turning Point” to Hold the Regime Accountable Over...

On Wednesday, Amnesty International welcomed the publication of a letter signed by seven UN human rights experts, calling it a “turning point” in a...

Significance of UN Experts’ Letter on 1988 Massacre: Victory for Justice Seeking Movement

The letter by seven United Nations Special Rapporteurs, made public on Wednesday, on the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners is a significant development...

US Echoes UN’s Call for Independent Investigation Into 1988 Massacre in Iran

Assistant Secretary Robert A. Destro, the United States Department of State’s Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, underlined his government’s...
Museum 120 years of struggle for freedom in Iran- Ashraf-3 Albania

Iran: UN Experts Call for Investigation of 1988 Massacre

In September, a group of UN human rights experts conveyed a document to Iranian government officials in which they reiterated longstanding concerns over an...

Maryam Rajavi: UN Experts Report Doubles the Need To Refer the File on the...

Following the publication of a report by United Nations experts on the 1988 massacre of political prisoners as a "crime against humanity" and a...
Amnesty International Describes Recent Letter by Un Experts as a Turning Point, Renews Calls for Justice for 1988 Massacre Victims in Iran

Iran: Amnesty International Describes Recent Letter by UN Experts as a Turning Point, Renews...

In an announcement on Wednesday, Amnesty International described the recent letter by a group of United Nations human rights experts on the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners as a...