Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran 1988 Massacre-News And Articles

In the summer of 1988, the Iranian regime summarily and extra-judicially executed more than 30 thousands of political prisoners held in jails across Iran. The massacre was carried out on the basis of a fatwa by the regime’s then-Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini.


Maryam Rajavi: UN Experts Report Doubles the Need To Refer the File on the...

Following the publication of a report by United Nations experts on the 1988 massacre of political prisoners as a "crime against humanity" and a...

Testimony in Former Iranian Official’s Trial Should Help Spark Broader Inquiry

The trial of former Iranian prison official Hamid Noury continued in Durres, Albania this week following its temporary relocation from Stockholm, as requested by...

Iran 1988 Massacre: Prisoners Were Beaten and Whipped for Refusing to Pray to a...

On Friday, February 18, the Court of Stockholm in Sweden held its 67thsession for Hamid Noury, a prison deputy prosecutor who observed, assisted, and...

MEK Supporters Protest in Sweden: End Regime’s Impunity over Iran’s 1988 Massacre

On Monday, Thousands of Iranians gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, calling for a firm policy towards the Iranian regime and to hold the regime to...

Significance of UN Experts’ Letter on 1988 Massacre: Victory for Justice Seeking Movement

The letter by seven United Nations Special Rapporteurs, made public on Wednesday, on the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners is a significant development...

Human Rights Record of Iran’s New President Demands Serious International Response

Several Western policymakers, human rights advocates, and experts on Iranian affairs have reacted with suitable alarm to last month’s confirmation that Ebrahim Raisi would be the next...

Iranians Across the World Protest Raisi’s Speech at UN Call For Accountability for 1988...

On Tuesday, Iranians and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) held a rally in dozen cities on both sides of the Atlantic, condemning the...

Botched MOIS Show Outside Hamid Noury’s Court

Following protests by MEK supporters and freedom-loving Iranians in Sweden against today's show organized by the mullahs regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) outside the...
Amnesty International Describes Recent Letter by Un Experts as a Turning Point, Renews Calls for Justice for 1988 Massacre Victims in Iran

Iran: Amnesty International Describes Recent Letter by UN Experts as a Turning Point, Renews...

In an announcement on Wednesday, Amnesty International described the recent letter by a group of United Nations human rights experts on the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners as a...
A group of Iranian expatriates has written a letter to UNSG urging UN to launch an investigation into the 1988 massacre of political prisoners

Statement Of Support For Amnesty International By Former Political Prisoners Who Witnessed The 1988...

An attack on Amnesty International is an assault on the Justice Movement and can only serve the interests of those who ordered the massacre Three decades after...