Iran: Human Rights Record Of Ebrahim Raisi, Eyewitness Accounts, Firooz Danafar



My name is Firooz Danafar, and I was a political prisoner in Ghezel Hesar and Gohardasht prisons from 1982 to 1986. I want to share with you a little of the crimes committed by the criminal Ebrahim Raisi. The first question is why the regime started to kill the religious minorities and commit genocide.

For example, the Ayiarans who were Yarsanis and lived around Tehran, in Khrin, Varamin, Gherdavar, Ghaleh Hassan Khan, and Ismailabad. They followed their leader Safi Gholi Ashrafi and emigrated to the Sorkheh Hesar region of Karaj in 1979 to have their rituals and beliefs in peace and have a normal life.

But Ruhollah Khomeini did not tolerate it. Therefore, in 1980, he sent someone by the name of Mesbah, from the Intelligence, to go to the Asad Abadieh school of Sorkheh Hesar to have control over the immigrants and especially over their leader, Safi Gholi Ashrafi. Therefore on June 20, 1981, they attacked the immigrants and arrested many of them, including Dr. Sadrollah and Dr. Rashidi.

Many were released, but six persons received long prison sentences, including Dr. Rashid, who was executed in 1983. Ebrahim Raisi implemented Dr. Rashid’s execution.

I was a defendant in the same case with Dr. Rashidi. We were re-tried in December 1982, and they sentenced him to 5 years in prison. But five months later, on May 21, 1983, Raisi executed him.

When I was arrested, Raisi was the prosecutor of Karaj. I was mock executed twice in the police station of Karaj. I was kept in a cell that was 120 by 160 centimeters and it was like a swamp. They gave me a rubbish 500 cc bowl to use for meals. And I had to use the same bowl as a stool because the door was closed, and they didn’t allow me to use the toilet.

When I told the guard that I am a Muslim and I pray, he insulted me and said that a hypocrite does not pray. This is just one example. Raisi’s crimes are not imaginable and unlimited.

For three days the regime was announcing that they would execute the Ayiaran in public. They executed Safi Gholi Ashrafi and Ruhollah Ashrafian in the Sorkhe Hesar Stadium. Ruhollah Ashrafian died in minutes. But, Safi Gholi Ashrafi didn’t die and while he was hanged and was suffering, but his eyes were open and watching the crowd. Raisi send a masked man to hang on him and pull him down, and this way they killed him.

Many in the crowd, especially women were screaming, and many fainted. My sister, who had a child, lost her mind and was out of control. These inhuman crimes are not explainable.

These crimes are not explainable. In this crime, they executed 15 youths of these immigrants who were supporters of the MEK, including Safi Gholi Ashrafi.

But Raisi’s crimes are not just limited to executions. As I said, my sister lost her sanity. Many people too. And many died because of heart attacks.

When the 1988 massacre started, while keeping his position as the deputy prosecutor of Tehran, Raisi came to Karaj, as a member of the death commission. Since he was involved in the Sorkhe Hesar case, he helped to identify the people. He personally sentenced those 15 people to death.

Saeed Ghasem Taymurian, an injured soldier who was arrested due to his support of the MEK, was tortured for a long time. When he didn’t give up and rejected any cooperation, he was executed. The regime was not satisfied with this and tried to force his sister, Azadeh, who worked in one of the workshops in Dargar, to become their spy and cooperate with them. But, she refused, and then they killed her by setting her store on fire and claimed it to be an accident.

The crimes of Raisi, who is now the president of the regime, are not imaginable.

Therefore, as I wrote a complaint, I’m ready to expose and explain much more of the crimes of this criminal in any court.

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