Urgent Action to Free The 7 Camp Ashraf Hostages

Urgent Action

Please use the letter below to address your favorite rights organization, asking for their urgent action to help save the 7 hostages.

To: Rights organizations

On Sept. 1.2013, NouriMaleki’s forces in Iraq, acting at the behest of the Iranian Mullahs, attacked Ashraf refugee camp, the residence of Iranian dissidents in Iraq. They massacred 52 defenseless refugees and took seven hostages, six of whom are women.

The attack has been widely condemned by governments and parliaments on both sides of the Atlantic, and of course by many human rights organizations such as Amnesty international.


The US had guaranteed in writing, the protection of these refugees. US is legally responsible for and morally committed to their safety. The US has enough leverage on the Iraqi government to press Maleki to release the hostages who are in imminent danger of being sent to Iran to face execution.

The hostages as well as hundreds of Iranians in Camp Liberty, London, Ottawa, Geneva, Melbourne, and Berlin, are in the 10th week of their hunger strike demanding their release.

Write to president Obama, Secretary General Ban Ki moon, and Secretary of State Kerry and ask them to do more than just expressing concern. IMMEDIATE ACTION is required.

Copies should be sent to:

President Barack Obama
Fax: 202-456-2461

Secretary of State
202-647-5291; Fax: 202-647-6434

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
United Nations
212-963-5012 fax: 212-963-7055

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