Tuesday, July 16, 2024

200 Iranian dissident hunger strikers in Iraqi camp put under medical care in a...

Hundreds of members of Iranian opposition the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, are entering their 13th week of hunger strike...

London hunger strike women in ‘really poor condition’ but are willing to die

London Evening Standard - Seven London women have been on hunger strike for nearly 10 weeks near the US embassy in protest at...

Iranian exiles on hunger strike in Iraq are in critical condition, doctors say

The physical condition of hunger strikers at Camp Liberty demanding the release of the seven Ashraf hostages has entered critical stege after more than...

Iranian dissident hunger strikers continue protest despite being very weak

NCRI - The Iranian hunger striker in Geneva, Switzerland and Berlin face critical condition and are in great danger after refusing to eat for...

Video: Iranian dissidents continue their hunger strikers in Camp Liberty, cities across world

NCRI - As the hunger strike by Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty entered day 83 on Friday more protesters have faced a dangerous situation...

Iraq Must Free 7 Camp Ashraf Hostages

Source: The Diplomat, By: British MP Matthew Offord On October 28, I joined a cross-party panel at a conference in Church House, Westminster, with dozens...

Urgent Action to Free The 7 Camp Ashraf Hostages

Urgent Action Please use the letter below to address your favorite rights organization, asking for their urgent action to help save the 7...

Photos: Iranian opposition protests and hunger strikes call for freedom of Camp Ashraf hostages

NCRI - Simultaneous with the hunger strike by hundreds of Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty, Iraq, that has began on September 1 after...

Release Camp Ashraf Seven and protect Liberty, Canadian MP demands

NCRI - The seven hostages abducted during the Camp Ashraf massacre must be released immediately before they are deported to the 'regressive, clerical, military...

Camp Liberty: Female Iranian hunger striker in critical condition transferred to Baghdad hospital

NCRI - A female hunger striker In Camp Liberty transferred to Baghdad hospital after sever chest pain and dehydration caused by 42 days of...