Iranian opposition hunger strike outside US embassy in London

Source: This is Local London, By Natalie O’Neill
Hunger strikers camped outside the US Embassy are in their 74th day as they continue to campaign for the safety of hostages in Iraq.

The six Anglo-Iranians, five of whom are from Barnet, are drinking nothing but water and eating minimal sugar cubes in a desperate attempt to draw attention to their cause.

The group has been sleeping in a makeshift camp outside the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square since September 1 following news that 52 people were killed in Camp Ashraf and hostages taken.

Many Iranians living in Barnet had loved ones living in the camp which was home to the principal Iranian opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI).

Laila Jazayeri, Director of Association of Anglo-Iranian Women in the UK said: “I don’t know how long the hunger strikers can continue. I think what they’re doing is a very brave thing – they are very determined but they are very ill and unwell.

“They are desperate to secure the protection of the hostages and the remainder of our people who are now living in Camp Liberty.”

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