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HomeHunger Strike-News and ArticlesIranian exiles on hunger strike in Iraq are in critical condition, doctors...

Iranian exiles on hunger strike in Iraq are in critical condition, doctors say

The physical condition of hunger strikers at Camp Liberty demanding the release of the seven Ashraf hostages has entered critical stege after more than 80 days without food, according to doctors visiting them.

One doctor who visits the hunger strikers in the camp said 51 of the strikers have received treatment for their physical conditions only on Wednesday and Thursday.

Those whose lives are at risk include six women and seven men, with the mother of one of those executed by Iraqi forces during the September 1 massacre at Camp Ashraf now suffering from intermittent tetanus, extreme weakness, disorder in the nervous system and blood pressure.

Another female hunger striker suffers from extreme weakness, dizziness and blackout, and pain in the muscles and joints.

One male hunger striker has lost 20 kilograms and is suffering from severe dizziness and weakness.

And another who has lost 22 per cent of his body weight is experiencing blurred vision, headaches, and pain in the muscles and joints across the whole body.

One Camp doctor said: “As the hunger strike continues for over 80 days, we are concerned about loss of life.”

Another physician at the camp said there had been at least four cases of serious drops in blood pressure, high heart rate and difficulty in breathing, which threatens the lives of the strikers.

He added: “36 per cent of the hunger strikers face extreme drops or sudden increases in blood pressure. 20 per cent have chest pains and 38 per cent suffer digestive problems. In this situation, we don’t even have an ambulance to transfer the patients or those whose lives are at risk to the clinic or outside the camp to a hospital.”

Hundreds of former residents of Camp Ashraf who are now in Camp Liberty have been on hunger strike since the September 1 atrocity when Iraqi forces attacked and massacred 52 members of the People’s Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK), and took six women and one man hostage.

The hunger strikers are demanding the US and the UN take urgent action to release the seven hostages, provide security for the residents of Camp Liberty and launch an independent investigation into massacre.

The Iranian exiles have all received promises from the US and UN that will be protected, but have still been the victims of repeated attacks by Iraqi forces under the command of prime minister Nouri al-Maliki.