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HomeHunger Strike-News and ArticlesDay 6: Hunger strike by Iranian dissident in Camp Liberty, Iraq

Day 6: Hunger strike by Iranian dissident in Camp Liberty, Iraq

The Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty in Iraq marked the 6th day of their hunger on Saturday. The hunger strike began following the fifth massacre of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Ashraf on September 1, 2013. 

The hunger strikers declared that As the responsibility to protect the residents of Ashraf and Liberty is incumbent upon the United States Government and the United Nations;

Considering that 10 hours after the murderous attack of Iraqi forces under orders of Al-Maliki, the US Government and United Nations have not acted in any way to stop the killings in Ashraf or save the lives of the kidnapped and injured residents;

Considering that neither the US nor the UN have taken any effective measure to protect the residents of Ashraf and Liberty in recent months despite numerous repeated pleas by the residents and their representatives;

In recognition of the grave crimes against humanity of which the firing of coup de grace shots at the injured and their execution, and massacre of residents with hands tied behind their backs are instances of;

Considering that the repetition of such a massacre is possible at any moment;

The residents will continue their hunger strike until the release of all hostages, and until the resolution of the issue of security for the residents of Ashraf and Liberty. The protection of the residents of Ashraf and Liberty is only possible after full repudiation of security responsibility from Iraqi forces and the deployment of UN blue helmet forces in Ashraf and Liberty until their transfer to the United States or Europe.

The residents call for the urgent intervention of the United Nations and the transfer of security responsibility from murderous Iraqi forces to UN blue helmet forces and emphasized that the relinquishing of security responsibility to Iraqi forces which has until now led to five massacres in Ashraf and Liberty is considered as collusion in crimes against humanity and must be stopped.