28 Day: Iranians on hunger strike in Camp Liberty demand protection

NCRI – The health of Iranian hunger strikers in Camp Liberty, Iraq, is worsening drastically as their protest to demand the release of seven Camp Ashraf hostages and protection for those in the camp passes enters its 28th day. In last few days in addition to headaches and vertigo and weaknesses, there have been a number of cases of heart pains among the hunger strikers.

Also today a number of people were referred to Iraqi doctors at the clinic for vision problems. So far some 200 of the hunger strikers have referred to camp’s clinic.

Iranian dissidents at the camp have been refusing food since the hostages were seized during the Camp Ashraf massacre which left 52 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) dead on September 1.

The hunger strikers are also demanding the deployment of UN Blue Helmet forces to protect Camp Liberty from further attacks, and the return of 17,500 T-walls, protective vests and helmets.

The hunger strikers are also calling for an international fact-finding committee to probe the Camp Ashraf massacre and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The hunger strikers have also been joining by Iranian dissidents staging similar strikes in London, Berlin, Ottawa, Melbourne and Geneva to demand the release of the Camp Ashraf hostages, who are currently being held in a prison behind the Iraqi Prime Ministry building in Baghdad’s Green Zone area.

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