Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeFree Iran 2017-News and ArticlesTorricelli Shares Resistance's Hope to See Overthrow of Iranian Regime

Torricelli Shares Resistance’s Hope to See Overthrow of Iranian Regime

NCRI – Robert Torricelli, an American politician who served as the United States senator from New Jersey from 1997 to 2003 member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 1997 spoke at the “Free Iran” rally on Saturday 1st July.

The “Free Iran” rally is an annual event that is organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Last year there was a lot of emphasis on the struggle of getting the last remaining MEK members removed from Camp Ashraf. This year, there was a lot of emphasis given to the fact that the efforts came to fruition last September when the last residents were finally located to Albania.

Many of the speakers said that they hoped the next “Free Iran” rally would be a celebration that could be held in Tehran.

Torricelli emphasized that the people of Iran are being denied the most basic of human rights that we in the West take for granted. He said: “Before me is the largest gathering of Iranians in the world who woke up this morning breathing free, speaking free, worshipping free, living free.”

He also emphasized that there are many people around the world that are sharing this struggle with the people of Iran and are standing shoulder to shoulder with those that are victims of the regime. He said that the fight for freedom is a desperate one – desperate because people are fighting for something they should not have to fight for and also because the people of Iran are being treated so badly by the Iranian regime.

Torricelli also pointed out the important role of those who have come from Camp Ashraf. He said: “But we must all be mindful that while this is the largest gathering of free Iranians in the world today, tomorrow morning that responsibility rests on a brave few in Tirana, Albania. To those who survived Ashraf, fought through Camp Liberty, you are now the point of the spear in Albania. Our hopes, our prayers rest with you to destroy the mullahs and create a free Iran.”

Like many of the speakers before and after him that day, Torricelli praised the leader of the Resistance – Maryam Rajavi. He said that she is representative of many a positive thing for the Resistance and the people of Iran. He said: “My friends, in Iran the name Rajavi is synonymous with freedom and a hope for a better future.”