Prominent European Politician: MEK Members Are Heroes

Iranian Grand Gathering 2017 -Alejo Vidal-Quadras

NCRI – Alejo Vidal Quadras, a prominent European politician gave an inspiring speech at the Free Iran Gathering in Paris last weekend, in which he threw his support behind the Iranian Resistance and their president Maryam Rajavi.

He as a former vice president of the European Union, said that the gathering showed that the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an umbrella organisation of many Iranian Resistance groups, with Rajavi at its helm, was the only chance for democratic change in Iran.

He said: “We will support you till the final victory.”

He also spoke about his joy over the safe relocation of the MEK members (an activist arm of the Resistance) from Camp Liberty in Iraq to Albania in 2016.

He said: “This is the first time that we are together in this gathering with no concern about the safety of Ashrafis…[this] was a great achievement, and a strategic defeat for the mullahs’ regime who were planning to massacre all of them. These heroes stood up in heartless time against the Iranian regime and they were and are an example for the Iranian people for their commitment to freedom, to democracy and to equality between men and women.”

He called them “symbols” of the Resistance and said that fight for freedom had given “new meaning” to the lives of their supporters.

He said: “Every day, every day we win this more victories against the regime, new victories of the Iranian resistance.”

He also encouraged the international community to recognise the NCRI as the true voice of the Iranian people, as many individual politicians already do.

He said: “Western governments should recognise it in dialogue and cooperate with NCRI because the regime has no future and does not have support inside Iran. The only way the regime keeps in power is repression and terror. If the Iranian people could express their will without constraint the regime will not last for one minute.”

He cited the recent statement from 256 members of the European Parliament, which called for their governments to condition their relationships with the Regime based on improvements to its human rights record and for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to be blacklisted for terrorist activity, as proof that lawmakers care and wish for it to be the public policy of their governments.

He said: “If we really believed in our principles we must understand that if we give up these principles for short term economic benefit, we will lose both. If our values are universal, we must defend them not only in our home, in Europe, but all over the world.”

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