Political Prisoners support the Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance on July 1, 2017


NCRI – A group of political prisoners of Gohardasht, Evin, and Tehran Central Prisons, in a letter, announced their support to the grand gathering of the Iranian Resistance which is going to be held in Vilpant, Paris on July 1, 2017.

The following is their statement:

“A small Iran in Paris -Villepinte”

“Following the gathering, those foreign participants might have different motivations. However, this gathering means something special for the prisoners whose voices cannot be heard. Prison walls, guards, repression, and persecution stress on three points:

-There is nothing but silence in the outside of prison

-Everyone is doing his own business and life

-There is no other option but to stoop to this government.

This gathering is the response to oppressions, passiveness, and volatile propositions.

Perhaps the so-called political activists, philanthropists, and religious intellectuals invent this pretext to justify their inactivity. They take the possibilities as the victims of despair (of course it is recommended!).Nevertheless, the gathering of Iranian Resistance is a striking lightening in the sky of inactivity, despair, and stagnancy. Our hopes, wishes, and alternatives do not only encourage the decent Iranians outside and Inside of Iran but they also arouse the clear consciences of the Middle East, Europe, and the U.S. as well as the miserable people. Moreover, what could be more promising for an imprisoned and deprived person than witnessing those whose hearts beat for Iran and its aspiration?

It is an honor for us to see our brothers, sisters, and comrades in different parts of Europe, the U.S, and the region (Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, etc).

They have not forgotten us; rather, they are the loud cry of Iranians, seeking for a “Free Iran,” a “Democratic Iran.” They are the true representatives of Iranians; but not those whom the International Community imposes sanctions on for warmongering and striking missiles. Our greetings from prison to all brave men who introduce the real, democratic, serious, active, coherent, and invincible faces of Iranians to the world. Our greeting is indeed the widow’s mite.

The political prisoners of Gohardasht, Evin, and Tehran Central Prison, July 2017.”

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