Bernard Kouchner: Maryam Rajavi Will Bring Immense Change to Iran

Excerpts from speech by Bernard Kouschner at the #FreeIran Gathering Paris 1 July

NCRI – A French politician declared his support for the Iranian Resistance and its leader Maryam Rajavi, at the Free Iran rally in Paris, last weekend.

Bernard Kouchner, France’s former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, said: “I want to congratulate Maryam Rajavi… She is not only a good example, but the beginning of a real perspective to change the regime for democracy. A [Muslim] lady to be president of Iran should be the beginning of a huge, immense change… Muslims who are calling for gender equality, separation of religion and state, religion and state—we have the example of what Maryam Rajavi said.”

Kouchner, a regular attendee at the annual gathering, referred to his fellow supporters of the Iranian Resistance as a “sort of family” and told the gathered Resistance forces: “We are all in agreement you deserve to be free, independent, and democratic.”

He said: “[The] people of Iran have been suppressed for 38 years. Thirty-eight years. Suppressed by your theocratic regime, Islamic extremism and fundamentalism… The regime of the Ayatollah is the base of extremism. So people of Iran are very right and deserve to get at least a better regime. They deserve to have freedom and democracy. They deserve to have free elections through which they can elect their true representatives, and not those who have been elected by the supreme leader.”

Kouchner, who is also the co-founder of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), also paid his respects to those who helped to safely relocated members of the MEK from Camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq to Albania in 2016, particularly the Albanian people and their government.

The MEK is an activist branch of the Resistance which has restarted provided the West with evidence about the Regime’s crimes, including the secret nuclear programme and the terrorist training camps.
He said: “I want to congratulate and I pay respect to this fantastic Albanian people and the representative of the Albanian government because they were the only ones to welcome the people from Ashraf and Liberty. So thank you for that Albanian people.”

He also addressed the fact that if the Iranian Regime was ousted, Islamist extremism would soon crumble too, because the Regime is the root cause of all terrorism in the name of Islam.
He said: “These people are using Islam as a tool for extremism and murdering… Changing Iran is certainly the beginning of a real change for democracy in the whole region.”

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