Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Home Free Iran 2017-News and Articles

Free Iran 2017-News and Articles

Prominent European Politician: MEK Members Are Heroes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBkQpb5ymSE NCRI - Alejo Vidal Quadras, a prominent European politician gave an inspiring speech at the Free Iran Gathering in Paris last weekend, in...

Remarks by Prince Turki Al Faisal at the Free Iran Rally in Paris July...

  NCRI - On Saturday, July 1st, The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held their annual “Free Iran” rally, which was attended by...

Member of European Parliament From Slovania Support Iranian Resistance Gathering

NCRI - Milan Zver, member of European Parliament from Slovania, in a video message announced his support for the grand gathering of Iranian...

Solidarity Message From the Canadian Parliament to the Free Iran Rally

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LwdF-cqMuY NCRI - Mr. James Bezan, the Canadian MP, stated that he would support the grand assembly of the Iranian Resistance. In a letter dated...

British MEP Sends Solidarity Message Supporting Iranian Resistance Grand Gahtering

NCRI - Richard Ashworth, member of European Parliament from British conservative party announced his support in a video message for the grand gathering...

Political Prisoners support the Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance on July 1, 2017

NCRI - A group of political prisoners of Gohardasht, Evin, and Tehran Central Prisons, in a letter, announced their support to the grand gathering...

Joe Lieberman to Free Iran Crowds: Next Year, This Rally Could Be Held in...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs6EgtfQlbc NCRI - A former US lawmaker addressed the Free Iran gathering in Paris this weekend to speak up for freedom in Iran and...

John Bolton: Iran Regime Must Not Reach 40th Birthday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTMh24qlyQA NCRI - This weekend, a former US ambassador to the UN, addressed the Free Iran Gathering in Paris, which attracted over 100,000 people,...

Maryam Rajavi: Regime Change in Iran Is Necessary and Within Reach, a Viable Democratic...

Resistance Grand Gathering - No. 3 The IRGC must be placed on the blacklist, the mullahs must be isolated by the international community,...

Jozo Radoš MEP Supports Free Iran Rally in Paris

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wODPwUB5kYY NCRI - Mr. Jozo Rados, European Parliament member and the former Croatian Defense Minister, announced his support, in a message for the Grand Gathering...