Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran Regime’s Parliamentarian: Rouhani Always Called for Public Execution

NCRI - According to state run media, on Wednesday, Mojtaba Zollnour, member of the regime’s parliament, accused Rouhani as being part and parcel of all...

Khamenei, Repressive Forces Fear Pubic Uprising, Threaten Protesters With “Harsh Slap”

The fear of Iran’s senior officials and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei over public uprisings, and a power struggle escalation amongst the regime’s factions with...

Iran: Tehran April 2017. Activists of MEK, Put up a Poster in a Major...

Iran: Tehran- April 2017. Activists of MEK, put up a poster in Hemmat expressway in the run up to the sham elections. “No to...

2017 “Election” in Iran – Interview With the Chair of NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee

NCRI - In an interview with ncr-iran.org, the chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mohammad Mohaddessin...

Iran: State Run Newspaper: God Help Us, the Third Debate’s Theme Is Economic!

NCRI - The government controlled Newspaper “Sharq”, focused on the outcome of televised regime’s candidates’ debates on May 9th, and wrote: “This debate, other than...

Iran: Former Dean of Tehran University: The Only Remaining Option for People Is That...

NCRI - Dr. Mohammad Maleki, the first Dean of Tehran University after the revolution, called the regime's elections a “puppet show" and ridiculous play. The...

Khamenei: Anyone Acting Against National Security Will Receive “Slap in the Face”

NCRI - Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei revealed his concerns over the upcoming presidential election and the possibility of “insecurity and sedition.” “National security and...

Iran Regime, Fearing Uprisings, Holds Presidential Debate – Op-Ed

Infighting among the factions of the Iranian regime in the run-up to the mullahs’ sham elections is worrying the regime’s officials, according to an...

Clashes of Rival Bands Amid Crisis in Regime’s Election Show

NCIR - “Ali Larijani has put the rest of his honor on sale”, says Alireza Zakani, former regime’s MP from Khamenei’s band, in reaction to...

Iran: Clashes of Rival Bands Amid Crisis in Regime’s Election

NCRI - “Ali Larijani has put the rest of his honor on sale”, says Alireza Zakani, former regime’s MP from Khamenei’s band, in reaction to...