Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: Harsh Words Exchanged by Rouhani & Raisi 2 Days Prior to Sham Presidential...

NCRI - Hassan Rouhani, Iran regime’s incumbent president lashed at his main rival’s, (Raisi) election campaign in a gathering with his supporters in Tehran on...

Joseph Lieberman: There Is No Election in Iran, the Regime Decides for Iranians

NCRI - The Prominent politician and former United States Senator from Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman, believes that a brief comparison of what is happening in the...

Iran: Detentions Made on Charges Of “Stealing Classified Documents” From Election Campaign HQ

NCRI - Intense factional feuding during the Iranian regime’s sham election campaign has led to the spokesperson for the judiciary announcing that a number of...

Iran Regime: Questioning the Crimes Against PMOI/MEK Is a Grave Political Sin

NCRI - Iran’s state-run Resalat daily in its Tuesday edition on May 16th described questioning the mullahs’ crimes against the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization...

Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s Image on a Major Bridge in Capital City

NCRI - The faction of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reacted to the nationwide presidential election boycott campaign and activities led by supporters of the...

Election Sham Is a Ritual of Power Sharing Among the Regime’s Ruling Factions; It...

In the wake of elections, the mullahs' crisis-riddled regime will emerge weaker and more vulnerable The Iranian regime has put its security forces on...

Iran Regime’s Presidential Candidate:’4% of Population in Today’s Iran Are Rich While the Remaining...

NCRI - With the rival bands seeking their own share of power, Iranian regime’s election time is a time when more details of regime’s critical...

Iran: IRGC and Institutionalized Smuggling

NCRI - These days’ revelations are made in the Iran presidential election campaign trail shedding light on the scope of corruption and plundering by the...

Political Prisoners in Southeast Iran Issue Statement on Farce Presidential Election

NCRI - On May 12th a number of political prisoners in Zahedan Central Prison in southeast Iran issued a statement calling on the Iranian people,...

Iran: A State Run Newspaper Warned Rouhani: Intrigue Arises From the Way You Go

NCRI - One of Khamenei’s faction newspapers, “Resalat” in a May 15th editorial warned the existing regime’s president, who is running for reelection, Hassan Rouhani,...