Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Khamenei, Repressive Forces Fear Pubic Uprising, Threaten Protesters With “Harsh Slap”

The fear of Iran’s senior officials and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei over public uprisings, and a power struggle escalation amongst the regime’s factions with...
Iran's sham parliamentary elections faced widespread boycott by Iranian people

Iran Regime’s Sham Parliamentary Election Fails: A Major Blow to the Regime

The Iranian regime held its parliamentary elections farce, which was met by a general boycott. This was a major blow to the Iranian regime which had...

Iran: A State Run Newspaper Warned Rouhani: Intrigue Arises From the Way You Go

NCRI - One of Khamenei’s faction newspapers, “Resalat” in a May 15th editorial warned the existing regime’s president, who is running for reelection, Hassan Rouhani,...

Iran: Tehran April 2017. Activists of MEK, Put up a Poster in a Major...

Iran: Tehran- April 2017. Activists of MEK, put up a poster in Hemmat expressway in the run up to the sham elections. “No to...

Iran: An Executioner and a Charlatan, Two Main Candidates in the Mullahs’ Presidential Election

The notorious Ebrahim Raisi has publicly announced that he will stand as a candidate in the sham Presidential election. In a letter addressed to...

Iran: Head Of “Judiciary” Joins in With Menacing Rouhani

NCRI - In statements clearly aimed at attacking Rouhani, Iranian regime’s head of judiciary Sadegh Larijani said in his Monday May 15 speech “unfortunately some...

Message to Iran: “Regime Change Is in Reach”

NCRI - American policy toward Iran turned around last January, with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Trump made his views on Iran clear during his...

Massive Vote Rigging Sham Escalates Over Iran’s Farce Election

After Iran’s Interior Ministry claimed 41 million voters took to the polls in last Friday’s presidential election, President Hassan Rouhani in his May 22...
Iranian regime's parliament

Iran Regime’s Sham Parliamentary Elections, and Its Downfall Crisis

Engulfed by domestic and international crises, the Iranian regime needs a strong turnout at its sham parliamentary elections on February 21, to keep its so-called “democratic”...