Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Articles by Renowned Political Figures About Iran's Sham Elections

Iran Regime’s Parliamentary Election Crises – Articles by Renowned Political Figures

Prior to the Iranian regime’s sham parliamentary elections, there were numerous articles by renowned western politicians and Iranian and international experts in international media outlets. Below are excerpts of some of...

Ongoing Rift and Conflict at the Top of the Iran Regime

NCRI - Ebrahim Raisi, one of the main perpetrators of the 1988 massacre and a candidate in the recent sham presidential election in Iran, delivered...

Iran: During the Sham Election, Calls Rise, for 1988 Massacre’s Justice Seeking Movement

NCRI - The hysterical reactions of the Iranian regime’s officials and state run media from the rise of the movement seeking justice for the 1988...

Joseph Lieberman: There Is No Election in Iran, the Regime Decides for Iranians

NCRI - The Prominent politician and former United States Senator from Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman, believes that a brief comparison of what is happening in the...

Message to Iran: “Regime Change Is in Reach”

NCRI - American policy toward Iran turned around last January, with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Trump made his views on Iran clear during his...

Iran Will Not Change With Rouhani – Daily Caller Oped

The Iranian regime’s political and economic isolation will continue as the regime is unable to bend on key issues, writes dissident writer Hassan Mahmoudi,...

Iran’s Sham Election Doesn’t Represent Voice of Its People – the Daily Caller

The Presidential election held last week in Iran does not represent the voice of the Iranian people but portrays the result of a failed...

Political Prisoners in Southeast Iran Issue Statement on Farce Presidential Election

NCRI - On May 12th a number of political prisoners in Zahedan Central Prison in southeast Iran issued a statement calling on the Iranian people,...