Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Sham Presidential Election and Its Social Consequences

NCRI - The Iranian regime’s election show has ended. One can look at this issue from a variety of aspects to analyze its results. One...

Iran’s Sham Election Doesn’t Represent Voice of Its People – the Daily Caller

The Presidential election held last week in Iran does not represent the voice of the Iranian people but portrays the result of a failed...

A Major Split at the Top of Iran Regime, After Sham Presidential Election

NCRI - At the beginning of Iranian regime’s election show, regime’s leader Ali Khamenei tried to portray himself as a non-partisan who was away from...

A Look at the Statistics Behind Iran’s Election

NCRI - Election rigging industry in the religious fascism ruling Iran, is one of the longest-serving industries of the regime. One of the simplest and...

Sunday Telegraph Editorial on Iran Election: Still a Rogue State

Britain’s Sunday Telegraph in an editorial on May 21 accused the Iranian regime of acting as a “rogue state”. The leading article pointed to...

Rifts Deepening Amongst Senior Iranian Elites

NCRI - With the election façade coming to an end in Iran and the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claiming victory – based on rigging the...

Iran: Political Prisoners Had Boycotted the Sham Elections

NCRI - According to reports from prisons, Khamenei's henchmen in Gohardasht and Ghezelhesar prisons in Karaj – West Tehran, on Friday May 19 brought ballot...

Rouhani’s 2nd Term Will Be Riddled With More Crisis & Intensified Factional Feuding for...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQAcYyeZMuU" width="660" height="370" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> In a brief commentary, Shahin Gobadi, a member of Foreign Affairs Committee of The National Council of resistance of...

The Iran Regime’s President Is Not a Decision Maker

The Truth Behind Iran's Presidential Election Travesty Does any form of democratic election fit into the nature of Iranian regime? Or is it a...

NCRI Foreign Affairs Chair: Regime Is Much Weaker, More Divided After the Sham Election

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skp7EMd08VA" width="660" height="370" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> Comments by Mr. Mohamamd Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran...