Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Khamenei, Repressive Forces Fear Pubic Uprising, Threaten Protesters With “Harsh Slap”

The fear of Iran’s senior officials and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei over public uprisings, and a power struggle escalation amongst the regime’s factions with...

Mohammad Mohaddessin Discusses the Recent Sham Presidential Election in Iran

Interview with Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee on the recent sham presidential election in Iran. NCRI - The sham presidential...

Rouhani Unwillingly Accusing State Officials of Crimes: Iranian State Daily

NCRI - Hossein Shariatmadari, representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Kayhan daily, questioned Hassan Rouhani’s credibility as president for rallying votes for himself...

Iran Regime’s Parliamentarian: Rouhani Always Called for Public Execution

NCRI - According to state run media, on Wednesday, Mojtaba Zollnour, member of the regime’s parliament, accused Rouhani as being part and parcel of all...

The Iran Regime’s President Is Not a Decision Maker

The Truth Behind Iran's Presidential Election Travesty Does any form of democratic election fit into the nature of Iranian regime? Or is it a...

Iran: Tehran April 2017. Activists of MEK, Put up a Poster in a Major...

Iran: Tehran- April 2017. Activists of MEK, put up a poster in Hemmat expressway in the run up to the sham elections. “No to...

Iran: Regime Acknowledges Low Voter Turnout Despite Massive Rigging

Sham Elections – No. 3 The Fars news agency, affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), at 4:43 pm local time, meaning more than 8½...

Iran Will Not Change With Rouhani – Daily Caller Oped

The Iranian regime’s political and economic isolation will continue as the regime is unable to bend on key issues, writes dissident writer Hassan Mahmoudi,...

Iran: Factional Disputes Continuing Over Presidential Election Vote Rigging

NCRI - Iranian government spokesman Bahram Ghasemi responded to recent remarks stated by former presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi. “It is not right to use terms...

Youths Protesting Sham Elections Despite Heavy IRGC & Basij Presence

-No.1 Sham Elections “Free Political Prisoners,” “Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, My Life For Iran,” “Raisi 1988 Murderer” Terrified of growing popular protests, the inhumane mullahs’ regime...