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Iran: An Executioner and a Charlatan, Two Main Candidates in the Mullahs’ Presidential Election


The notorious Ebrahim Raisi has publicly announced that he will stand as a candidate in the sham Presidential election.

In a letter addressed to the regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei on March 22, some 50 mullahs, members of the Assembly of Experts, requested his nomination. He had told other factions that he would run for office if he had Khamenei’s approval.

At the same time, Rouhani told his cohorts that he had obtained Khamenei’s approval to run.

Therefore, the two main candidates, one an executioner mullah and the other an impostor one, both claim to have Khamenei’s backing and have decided to run.

They are two sides of the same coin in the religious dictatorship in committing crimes, warmongering, terrorism and plundering the nation’s wealth and should be brought to justice for genocide and crimes against humanity.

Rouhani claims to have been involved in all decision-making processes of the regime. His record as a security authority can be summarized in suppression of army staff, suppression of women under the pretext of improper veiling or not conforming to the veil, warmongering and sending children and adolescents to the minefields, suppression of the students’ uprising in 1999, continuing the clandestine nuclear project and deceiving the international community.

The result of his 4-year term has been 3000 executions (sentences which he has described as divine law and command) intensifying poverty, shutting down the majority of the country’s economy due to using the nation’s wealth in interventions in other countries, particularly in the massacre of the people in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

From the beginning of this regime, Raisi was a prosecutor, attorney general in diverse provinces and deputy prosecutor of Tehran and committed crimes such as individual and group executions.

In 1988, he was one of the death committee members that massacred 30,000 political prisoners in a matter of a few months.

In addition, in an official decree on January 1, 1989, Khomeini charged mullahs Raisi and Hossein-Ali Nayyeri (two members of the death committee) to “rapidly and carefully take on consideration of the reports from the cities of Semnan, Sirjan, Islam Abad and Dorood by avoiding administrative processes and implementing God’s rule [executions] in this regard”.

Khomeini wrote in another ruling on January 21, 1989, “Put all cases that have surprisingly been stagnating so far in the Council (Supreme Judicial Council), and implementation of God’s ruling that has been delayed at the disposal of Messrs. Nayyeri and Raisi so they implement the God’s ruling as soon as possible, (because) delay is not permissible.” In response to the written question of Nayyeri and Raisi asking whether this ruling includes “Qisas (retaliation)”, Khomeini replied immediately on January 22: “What I tasked you to implement after considering the cases that have been stagnating in the Judicial Council is about Qisas.” In this way, the execution machine went to work with more intensity.

Following that, Khamenei assigned Raisi to the highest judicial positions such as Tehran Prosecutor, head of General Inspectorate of the country, the deputy head of judiciary, the prosecutor of the Special Court for the Clergy, and the Prosecutor General. And finally Khamenei assigned him to the post of guardian of the Astan Quds Razavi foundation, which is one of the most powerful political and economic centers of Iran. A significant portion of the budget for export of terrorism and fundamentalism is funded by this center.

Criminal mullah Raisi said following the Ashura uprising in 2009: “A weapon is not just a sword. Not just guns. No. A weapon can also be melee. That means it could be cutlass, it could be a knife; it is in the tongue of jurists as well, sometimes it is a stick, sometimes a rock. … What happened on Ashura could be considered as examples of Moharebeh (war against God). But Mohareb could be an organization. A Mohareb organization like Monafeqin (regime’s derogatory name for the PMOI). In relation with the Monafeqin, everyone who helps and in any way, under any circumstances helps the Monafeqin, since it is organized, his act is considered as Moharebeh” (state TV – December 31, 2009).

The factional feuding among the ruling clique and their representatives such as Rouhani and Raisi is only aimed at getting a greater share of power and a greater share of plundered property and resources of the people of Iran. The intensifying power struggle reflects the regime’s failure in the face of increasing domestic and external crises, the explosive situation of the society, and emergence of popular uprisings.
Mrs. Rajavi said about the Iranian people’s vote in the sham elections: “Neither black turban, nor white turban; Down with the clerical regime.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 7, 2017