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HomeIran Election 2017-News and ArticlesIran Election 2017 NewsIran: Harsh Words Exchanged by Rouhani & Raisi 2 Days Prior to...

Iran: Harsh Words Exchanged by Rouhani & Raisi 2 Days Prior to Sham Presidential Election


NCRI – Hassan Rouhani, Iran regime’s incumbent president lashed at his main rival’s, (Raisi) election campaign in a gathering with his supporters in Tehran on Tuesday, May 16th, in the city of Zanjan, northwestern Iran, according to state-run media.

“Don’t go to the villages lying to people. Don’t bus participants to your rallies. Don’t serve delicious lunches in military bases. The world isn’t these three or four days. What happened to morals and honesty?” Rouhani said.

Raisi’s campaign is organizing busses to rally people at their gatherings, according to the Rouhani faction.

Raisi’s faction and media outlets close to the Revolutionary Guards have written how provincial officials in Zanjan bussed various workers and employees to Rouhani’s speech “to have the hall packed.”

These outlets also published Raisi’s remarks against Rouhani where he accused the government of reinstituting subsidies only prior to the election in order to gain their support and votes.

Rouhani also lashed at the main state-run TV and radio stations questioning their impartiality.

“The broadcasted programs of state TV & radio are politically motivated,” Rouhani said. In the past few days Rouhani had accused state TV & radio of not airing his programs in the final days leading to the election.

Iran’s presidential election façade has become far more heated after Ghalibaf stepped aside in favor of Rouhani and Eshagh Jahangiri, Rouhani’s current vice president, stepped aside in his boss’ favor.

Both factions have in the past few days launched harsh attacks accusing their rivals of economic corruption, violating civilian rights, oppressing dissidents, and handing out distributions and subsidies to gain votes.