Iran: Clashes of Rival Bands Amid Crisis in Regime’s Election


NCRI – “Ali Larijani has put the rest of his honor on sale”, says Alireza Zakani, former regime’s MP from Khamenei’s band, in reaction to parliament speaker’s support of Hassan Rouhani’s candidacy.

Mohammad Dehghan, campaign manager of Revolutionary Guardsman ‘Ghalibaf’, called on Rouhani to break his silence regarding his brother’s financial corruption.

Karaneh, a website set up by Bagher Ghalibaf for gaining more votes, was blocked by the rival band.

Pointing at cases of plundering people’s property, both explicitly and implicitly, has turned into the main weapon in the current power struggle.

“There’s a corruption network in the country, and we need to come up with a plan so we can stop it”, says Hassan Rouhani. (State TV, May 7, 2017)

“You sanctions traders, you’ve lost your business over the past four years, is that why you’re so angry?” said Rouhani, addressing the rival band and the Revolutionary Guard. (Rouhani’s speech in Orumieh, May 7, 2017)

“People don’t want those who during the past 38 years knew only how to execute and put behind bars”, said Rouhani on May 8, addressing Raisi.

Meanwhile Rouhani claimed that “I entered the race to tell the pro-violence and extremists that your time is over. Your logic is based on demagogy and you have nothing else to offer.”

Ebrahim Raisi, on the other hand, attacked Rouhani in his May 8 speech in Khuzestan, responding to his remarks by saying “we ask the government what you have to say about your election promises after four years? Why are you raising marginal issues instead of responding to main questions? Why are there so many locks on people’s livelihood, jobs, and housing? The government is just scaring people of its rivals instead of responding to these questions.”

“Why for scaring people of your rivals you say things that only make the enemies happy?” he added, “Why have you once again entered the scene while avoiding to point to your achievements over the past four years? Why have you entered the race if you’re unable to fulfill your promises?”

Meanwhile, state-run ‘Jomhuri-e-Eslami’ newspaper wrote on May 8 about the clashes of rival bands over regime’s presidential election show, saying “It’s clear that today is the day when Regim’s sworn enemies are too happy, with presidential candidates clearly and explicitly questioning everything, even the revolution and regime record, thus repeating what enemies and those hurt by the revolution say to prove their claim of the system’s inefficiency.”

“You should not set Kayseri on fire for a piece of cloth (avoid blowing things out of proportion)”, the newspaper warns the rival bands, reminding that “focusing on corruption within the regime has turned into the intersection of presidential candidate’s propaganda and attacks, portraying a distorted face of the system so as to destroy their rivals and force them into inaction.”

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