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Iran Election 2017 News


Iran: The Prominent Female Political Prisoner: My Vote Is NO to the Sham Elections

NCRI - Expressing her view on the sham presidential elections in Iran, political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared has sent out a letter from prison. Ms....

Iran: State Run Newspaper: God Help Us, the Third Debate’s Theme Is Economic!

NCRI - The government controlled Newspaper “Sharq”, focused on the outcome of televised regime’s candidates’ debates on May 9th, and wrote: “This debate, other than...

Iran: Political Prisoners Had Boycotted the Sham Elections

NCRI - According to reports from prisons, Khamenei's henchmen in Gohardasht and Ghezelhesar prisons in Karaj – West Tehran, on Friday May 19 brought ballot...

Iran: Former Regime’s President’s Son Sacked From University Board

NCRI - Around a month after the sudden sacking of the Azad University dean, the son of former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was also...

Iran: A State Run Newspaper Warned Rouhani: Intrigue Arises From the Way You Go

NCRI - One of Khamenei’s faction newspapers, “Resalat” in a May 15th editorial warned the existing regime’s president, who is running for reelection, Hassan Rouhani,...

Iran: During the Sham Election, Calls Rise, for 1988 Massacre’s Justice Seeking Movement

NCRI - The hysterical reactions of the Iranian regime’s officials and state run media from the rise of the movement seeking justice for the 1988...

Iran: Rouhani Hits out at Opponents While Ignoring His Own Appalling Record

NCRI – As part of the Iranian regime’s factional feuding, the regime’s President Hassan Rouhani in Hamedan, western Iran, targeted members of Supreme Leader...

Iran: Sham Election and the Role of Social Media

NCRI - Despite all the restrictions on internet in Iran, in the run up to sham presidential elections, Iranian youth have found ways to circumvent...

Khamenei: Anyone Acting Against National Security Will Receive “Slap in the Face”

NCRI - Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei revealed his concerns over the upcoming presidential election and the possibility of “insecurity and sedition.” “National security and...

Iran Regime: Questioning the Crimes Against PMOI/MEK Is a Grave Political Sin

NCRI - Iran’s state-run Resalat daily in its Tuesday edition on May 16th described questioning the mullahs’ crimes against the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization...