Iran Regime’s Officials Fear Election Boycott Campaign by Resistance Supporters, Prepare Repressive Measures


As the Iranian regime’s sham election draws near and it faces overwhelming crises, the officials of the regime are expressing their fear of the call for regime change and the election boycott campaign underway by freedom-loving youths and supporters of the Iranian Resistance. Slogans such as “No to the executioner, no to the demagogue; My vote regime change; long live the National Liberation Army” and “Our vote regime change; Our choice is Maryam Rajavi” and a popular desire for a boycott of the poll have become widespread, forcing officials and state media to acknowledge them.

The regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on May 10 said: “The elections can be a sign of the country’s honor or they can be a sign of its weakness and create problems. Anyone who acts against [national] security in the course of the election will undoubtedly face a harsh slap. … The enemy seeks a change of approach by our [regime] … a change of approach is tantamount to the destruction of our Islamic [regime].”

On May 14, Ali-Asghar Ahmadi, the head of the regime’s State Election Committee, claimed “plots continue to be in the works”, adding that all of the regime’s military and security personnel will be active during the sham election. He added: “The police is in charge of implementing security. … They can make up for any deficiencies in their forces through the army, the IRGC, the Intelligence Ministry and the Bassij. We truly have full trust and faith in them.” (Tasnim news agency, affiliated to the IRGC Quds Force, May 16, 2017)

Hassan Karami, head of the police special commandos, claimed that the size of his force had been doubled. He added: “The police Special Forces are prepared both physically and operationally to counter any possible action by the domestic and foreign enemies.” (State-run Mizan news agency, May 15, 2017)

Hossein Zolfaqari, head of security in the regime’s election committee said: “Security preparations, intelligence awareness and planning by the rapid response units has been planned such that any action that aims to disrupt security and order during the election would be dealt with firmly in the quickest possible timeframe, and we will decisively prevent any form of insecurity.” (State-run ISNA news agency, May 12, 2017)

On May 3, the Fars news agency, affiliated to the IRGC, wrote: “Recently the PMOI (MEK) have attempted to influence the nation’s election through their actions. … We should not be influenced by the enemy’s propaganda. The enemy seeks to shake the people’s hope in order to strike a blow to the system. … The intelligence agencies will firmly act against the [PMOI’s] movements.”

On May 8, Tasnim wrote: “Those who are stubbornly opposed to the people and to the system are spreading rumors in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. … The issue of the executions of 1988 and the tales spread by the PMOI via Telegram and other social media are among these types of rumors.”

On May 9, the head of the intelligence directorate of Hormozgan Province said: “Identifying the agents, networks and goals of the PMOI is among the actions that this directorate has taken to counter the activities aimed at disrupting security in the province.” (State broadcasting corporation)

On May 14, members of Khamenei’s faction wrote: “A great sedition is in stock. Reports indicate that Maryam Rajavi’s photograph has been seen in various locations in Tehran. The image you are seeing is from under the Sattarkhan Bridge.”

On May 16, another website affiliated to Khamenei’s faction wrote: “Photos put up of Maryam Rajavi in certain pathways and some of the slogans that have been written show that the PMOI is attempting to take away its share from the 2017 election. … The actions of the [PMOI] online has also reached its peak in recent days, and accounts affiliated to the [PMOI] have launched a campaign for boycotting the election and or inviting the people to take part in riots on the streets.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 17, 2017

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